Get Rid of kidney Stones

Calcium Oxalate are kidney stones which are told impossible to get rid off, unless via surgery or natural evacuation ( when they are small enough).

Ancient medecine though has a trick to dissolve them inside your body. It's called Juniper

Morden society has an easy way to absorb the needed juniper molecule :

Use 15 drops of the juniper gemotherapy in your favorite drink ( I use coffee or tea), drink it once per day during 15 days, then do a break of a full week and cycle this process.

After a month go to your specialist and ask a new echography and watch his eyes when he will tell you they vanished, or were seriously reduced.

Explain him what you did, they need to accept the fact to talk about it with their own patients and colleagues.

To avoid kidney stones to come back, avoid mixing calcium and oxalate sources like : Coca Cola, chocolate, coffee and milk...

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