The Impeachment Charade... Undoing a Republic

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After watching as much as I could stand of Adam Schiff repeating himself ad nauseum for God knows how many hours the one thing stands out above everything else is the Democrats' absolute disdain for the American people and the electoral process. Schiff did nothing more than insult the American people, the president and the senate. Nancy Pelosi tipped the Democrats' hand in remarks she made to the press saying that: "We've been at this (impeachment) for 2 1/2 years now." However, the articles of impeachment center on the July phone call between President Trump and President Zelensky of the Ukraine where the alleged "quid pro quo" and "abuse of power" took place. 

If you examine the rhetoric from the Democrats in toto, the push to do away with the Electoral College for example, you can see a pattern of behavior that attempts to shift away from a democratic republic toward a more totalitarian oligarchy where elections are determined by the bi-coastal elites rather than the national electorate. You can see this in laws passed by states such as New York and California (having the most electoral votes) allowing illegal aliens to vote. The Democrats naturally assuming they will vote for them out of gratitude. If you look at the Congressional Democratic leadership another pattern emerges- Speaker Pelosi (CA), Adam Schiff (CA), Jerrold Nadler (NY), Sen. Chuck Schumer, Minority Leader (NY)... it looks like "flyover country" is gradually being pushed out of the picture.

The Democrats up until JFK have been the party representing "the common man," union members etc.. There are now more Democrat millionaires in Congress than Republican (the representatives of the rich and evil corporations)... a pretty nifty trick on a salary of around $170,000 a year. Let's face it, our elected officials stopped representing us a long time ago in favor of representing well heeled interest groups that can afford access. That's what this impeachment is about, eliminating the voter and replacing them with government by interest group. That's the motive behind creating division in the country. The Democrats view America as a unit a threat to their lust for power. It suits them better to have us hyphenated, afro-americans, hispanic-americans, broken down into ethnic groups, by gender (real or imaginary), class, economic group, ad infinitum. Divide and control. This way the Dems can pick and choose which groups to support and which groups to target for discrimination... I'm sure most people remember Obama using the IRS to persecute the Tea Party movement. This is how politics is done on modern America.

Then Donald Trump came along, a non-politician representing the average American. What could be a bigger threat to the political class' hegemony on power. Think of the ramifications- Trump has put America back to work, unemployment is at its lowest in decades. More than that, America is gaining a sense of purpose, a sense of unification. His rallies are pulling in tens of thousands where the Democratic candidates are lucky to get a couple hundred. It almost makes the political class appear non-essential... this could start a trend- electing non-politicians, people more interested in seeing America succeed instead of filling their pockets from the public coffers. Clearly you can see why this must be stopped at all costs... the American people might begin to stop believing all of the lies being pushed by the propaganda machine- the Fake News Complex.

Trump and his optimism are a threat to the status quo, and he's making the electorate a threat as well. The political class- of both parties- have had it their own way now for decades. Up until 2016 the American electorate have been asleep. Voter turnout has been anemic, but Trump has managed to reinvigorate the "deplorables" and they're turning out enmasse to support him. More and more Americans are paying attention now and elected officials on both sides of the aisle are in fear of losing their seats to populist candidates... this is their conundrum. Do they risk their seats to toe the party line- the one that's allowed them to line their pockets with taxpayer funds- or do they align themselves with Trump and the populists, the Freedom Caucus and others?

Schiff didn't do himself, or the political class, any good insulting the electorate and moderate on-the-fence senators. He stood there for however many hours lying through his teeth- basically saying the same thing over and over again. In doing so he's managed to alienate a good part of the electorate. This was not only ill-advised, it was stupid. There are a lot of Republicans that stand to lose if the Ukraine corruption gets investigated. Many of them may have voted to impeach and remove Trump from office, but now Schiff has painted them in a corner. They can't allow witnesses to testify and documents to be released:

They need this over with and over with fast... for anyone unaware, the man in the photo with Lindsey Graham is former Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko, a very, very corrupt man. The outcome of the impeachment trial will be interesting, but not nearly as interesting as what comes after. It's clear that the Democrats are hell bent on removing President Trump and continuing on a path toward eliminating the electorate from the political selection process... that's been their goal since Hillary lost the rigged election in 2016. Should Trump survive the impeachment (which he almost assuredly will) we can all expect rampant election fraud in November and cries of "foul" when the president is reelected. Then, as Maxine Waters has revealed, it will be four more years of impeachment.


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