
Seen some posts about Steemit needing some support, but I have a different idea. Hug-A-Rock. I just got this beautiful piece of Iranian Turquoise from someone very dear to me.



In a book I read that Turquoise has beneficial properties.

Turquoise is the stone of wholeness and truth and is said to contribute to wellness, restore vitality and lift saggy spirits. This is just the kind of stone Steemit needs don't you think?


We could turn this into a regular Hug-A-Rock thing, so if you have any rocks to contribute for us to hug for Steemit this week, please post them in the comments to get a few votes. Please try to contribute the supportive stones, but if all you have is any old pebble, it is welcome too, so long as it is natural. No brick or concrete please, they are relegated to the not yet launched Snuggle-A-Stone week which is a future project and may or may not involve a Trebuchet.

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