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beanie and marky threatening people who reply to me to find out the truth of they did

thes people attacked a woman and her child and are so stupid they didnt know she was married to apolice officer and now since i left comments on markys last blog he is threatening everyone who replies to post will have their rewards taken away nice people these clowns are
the woman they attacked is so solid and didnt tell her polic husband about any of this or they would probably go to state prison

now if you people want me to relaease this to the womans husband that is a cop start voting and if i get more upvotes than down and i am not including beanines downvotes in this i will give the police officer markys last radio show and we can have some fireworks people if i can convince kuweiicrush to tell her husband the cop about this

have a great day and these two jerkoffs have finally bitten off more than they can chew
prison for marky and beanie
do i hear a yaay!

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