Tribe Investment and Monetization Thoughts


I was having a conversation in my comments section about which tribes I thought were good investments and why and thought I'd write a bit about that and share my thoughts. Hopefully some of you can chime in on this. Here's the way I see it currently.

Other than Palnet and Neoxian, I think the niche tribes will end up being the better longer term hodl. The reason I exclude PAL and Neoxian from this is that I think these two have a first mover advantage and may remain strong because of that. With Pal also, it's the OG and it will always have all the new features first or soon after any other tribe. In most cases it will probably be first as it was the one that started it all.

So besides those two, as I mentioned I think it will be the tribes that are highly discriminatory in their content that will do the best long term. The reason for this is because any REAL value that comes to these tribes will ultimately have to come from REAL traffic. Excitement and speculation for something new only lasts so long.

The most basic monetization strategy from the tribes is people promoting posts and burning tokens. New features are coming with advertising tools, but the root resource that's going to make either of these appealing is the traffic.

It might seem like some of the more generic content tribes are a good bet, but I feel like those are more likely to get flooded with low value content, and while a lot of people might use them, I think it will be tough for those tokens to hold any value even over a medium amount of time. They might be good in the beginning, like the first few months, but my gut tells me they'll get drained of value quicker because the people earning those tokens won't have an incentive to hold them because there will probably be less organic traffic on the actual tribe site, and therefore less positive cash flow.

I think the tribes will eventually get more and more niche as we grow, sort of like subreddits and Facebook groups. Hopefully moving forward the process to create your own tribe can become as easy as making a Facebook group or subreddit. I think then we could see an explosion of these. I'm also hoping to see a hub in the future that has all the tribes or some sort of search where you can search for the content you want to see. One step at a time.

I'm curious what you all think about the different tribes and if you're investing, playing, earning, etc. Tribes are a very #newsteem concept, and I hope to see them grow and mature. Still waiting on those donations on Nitrous *cough (@eonwarped)

Anyway, let me know what you all think and where your heads are at.

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