The Human Virus

No matter how much it is explained to me, and regardless of the research that explains our natural inclinations to hunt, I will never accept trophy hunting as something that is benevolent. More so, when I hear these people talk about how they fight for nature, all I feel like doing is slapping them.


Hunting is fine

As a species, as part of nature, we've been hunting for thousands and thousands of years. Yes, we might think today that is inhumane (funny word) to kill another living being, but it's not how life itself works. You see, in order for something to continue living, something else must perish. This could be a chicken or a cucumber, but the principle is the same.

So when I say I'm ok with hunting, I mean it sincerely. If someone hunts for food, if someone forages, that's just a person following their natural instinct to survive. I've met along my lifetime plenty of people that eat what they hunt, eat what they fish, and I've never seen them as "evil". As a matter of fact, even to these days we have plenty of tribes in the world that rely on hunting to survive and to label them as evil is to be myopic or naive.

Treasure Hunting

That is an abomination and a complete contradiction to the laws of nature. It is the equivalent of taking for the sake of taking and not due to need. What's makes it even uglier, at least to me, is that the people who partake of the "sport" (note the air quotes), have come up with a ridiculous justification for what they do.

So, this impulse to kill is adorned, because that is the word, with purpose that allows them to justify it beautifully. "Oh, we are controlling the herd.... Oh, the game meat feeds little children..... Oh, the money we pay goes towards conservation efforts".

Do you see how twisted it is? If I was to say something along the lines of. "Well yeah... we kill humans, but the organs are used to save other people who need them... and the money I pay per kill helps feed other humans who are hungry... I do it because I care" - You would call me a monster, and you would be correct to do so.

What can I say? I'm disgusted with these people and the whole notion that it's fair because it's a fight of man vs beast is so ridiculous. Yes, look how brave you are killing a lion from 150 feet away with a gun, that takes courage, unlike those tribesmen that do it with spears, yeah they are not brave they are weak and stupid.

We act like a virus at times... we truly do.


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