One more day before payouts

This is going to be very interesting my friends. You see, tomorrow at about this time, we should see the market for Palcoin on STEEM-ENGINE move a bit. Now, in which direction? I'm not entirely sure, but I suspect the ceiling potential for Palcoin is very, very high.

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I fully intend to be an orca on Palcoin as soon as I possibly can, and I'm just a few days of payouts away from being a dolphin, so it doesn't seem impossible at all. Now, I've been reading still some negative comments about the 50/50 payout proposal that has been put forth for discussion and later implementation, but we are literally watching an experiment(Palcoin/Palnet) on this front, and the results would surely give us a valuable information.

It might not be a bad idea to sell some of your STEEM holdings to power up some Palcoin, since the early worm effect is in full display. Of course, Palnet is growing and it's growing fast, and @aggroed has the memes that prove it, but let's not forget, this is just the start.


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