Dear Diary: I'm Glad That I Was Able To Eat My Early Supper


My mother just went on to buy me my supper at 7-Eleven again but this time it is so early so I have to eat it while it is still warm. I wasn't hungry yet so it is hard to eat but I also do not want this meal to spoil so I ate it anyway. I also had some fresh pineapple fruit after having it and went to drink my pineapple juice too.

Then I took my Parathyroid medicine which is I think the best time to take that nauseating medicine because it will allow my body or appetite to recover at least before eating my next meal which is about 14 hours from now. I am scheduled for an early dialysis tomorrow so it is still okay even if I eat something a few hours from now.
This meal by the way is just rice with a toppings of ground pork ear with some meat and hot chili. It is spicy but my inflamed gums can tolerate it. I am now surprised that I was able to eat this because recently I really cannot so it is a good news I guess.

But I am still suffering from appetite loss and it will just stop if I would stop my medication which is not an option lest I will suffer more from further pain and disfigurement. I am just glad that I can tolerate it maybe due to my good blood because I am not anemic any and if not about that crucial factor I would have been given up already.

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