PROJECT #HOPE - Help us grow by making a simple change

111.jpgThis post is going to be slightly longer than usual.

That being said, I would need to ask you, my dear readers, to stay with me for next 10 minutes to read through it as it is a very personal and important subject that I would love to introduce you to - our small non-commercial project.



It has been over 3 months since, and together with @juanmolina and a few other amazing steemit users (@fucho80, @lanzjoseg, @jadams2k18) have come up with our own unique initiative. A new idea has been born and a non-commercial project called "project #HOPE" had it's birthday. And today I would like to share some of the details about our initiative, hoping to receive some extra attention and support.

The main idea of this project was to help small group of valuable content creators and curators from Venezuela to find ways of supporting themselfs financially. Please allow me to quote a part of my own post from that time:

"Instead of supporting you with $$$ I would like to try to help you secure some online job position (I have some contacts I could try to use) as a social media marketer or an author within the crypto industry. I would slowly pass some of my knowledge onto you and help you grow your follower base. You in return would continue supporting my own efforts of building a community on steemit.

I would support you financially with 25 STEEM (around 10$) weekly. Mostly to ensure that you can invest more time to progress with your own work on Steemit and you wouldn't have to work much as a cab driver / any other dangerous jobs.

This could potentially give you all more hope that your future will be brighter.

I will not require reporting and I will not act like I'm your boss. We need to make it clear - I want to support your growth but each one of you must be your own "driving force".


Full article:



Within the first few weeks, we've managed to organize a small team and set up some initial objectives. We all seem to agree on the fact that the biggest problem we're facing on Steemit is the constant "shrinking" of our community. Quality authors are giving up on creating and publishing their content simply because they struggle with building their audience.

Which isn't that suprrissing. After all would anyone who continues posting quality content, knowing that your financial rewards will not be worth it and on top of that your posts are "invisible"? Noone reads, noone comments, it can be very discouraging.

I've witnessed so many great authors giving up and it was clear to me, that it is simply not possible to reward all of them financially. Those who came on Steemit because of money would most likely abandon this platform sooner or later. Dissapointed greately. And there is really nothing we can do to stop them.

However I also realized, that many people would actually stay if they would manage to build some sort of audience, get some visibility and exposure to their posts. Many of us care about engaging with others. Having some readers, who drop valuable comments is good enough for most of us to stay and continue our work on Steemit platform.

Wouldn't you agree?



Within those few months our entire team, though small has been determined to look for those authors, who not only create valuable content but mostly those who are engaging back with their audience. And we've focused our efforts on "curating" theirs publications (meaning: reading and commenting on their recent posts).

By now many of you already know @juanmolina , @fucho80, @lanzjoseg, @jadams2k18 quite well and I think we have all learned to appreciate their work.



All those 4 Venezuelans have enourmous knowledge and life experiences (two of them were even university profesors) but living in Venezuela during the current economic crisis isn't giving them many opportunities to earn enough to survive and feed their families.

So 3 months ago, I decided to allocate over 1000usd from my own personal budget and and buy some STEEM, which I'm using to support all of them financially on a weekly basis. Their only job is to focus on building their own accounts on Steemit and engaging with others.

Obviously sooner or later those resources will finish (we're already half way) and we all need to figure out what to do once we reach that point. We still have another few months ahead of us and my goal is to "stretch" this period as much as possible.

And guess what? I came up with an "perfect" idea and today I NEED YOUR HELP :)

JOIN OUR EFFORTS + PALnet airdrop claim


Please do not worry. I won't ask for money :)
I would only ask about few minutes of your valuable time. And trust me - your support can make a huge difference for our small but dedicated team.

But before I continue, I would need to change the topic for a little while and tell you about PALnet platform and their current PAL coin airdrop. So please stay with me few more minutes. Ok?

Have you ever heard about ? It's a platform visually very similar to Steemit. Just like other front-ends, it's build on STEEM blockchain but it uses their own PAL token to reward autors and curators. Pretty cool, right?

Currently PALnet is in the process of promoting their platform and building it's audience by well organized airdrop. You may wonder: how does it matter? how is it related to project #hope and all those venezuelans? Right? Trust me. It really is :)

Please let me explain the best way I can.

I would like to encourage each one of you to claim your own PAL tokens and delegate/stake them to @crypto.piotr (instead of selling them). I'm planning to use my voting power to upvote valuable comments of all 4 of those Venezuelans and in a way providing them with some extra means of surviving in the future.

It's kind of a win-win scenario.Our small team will bring more value into PALnet platform, since we will focus our efforts on building engagement and commenting on posts with "palnet" hashtag and encouraging those people to hold to their PAL coins (instead of trading it on the market).

At the same time @juanmolina , @fucho80, @lanzjoseg, @jadams2k18 will continue building quality engagement and will be manually rewarded with PAL coins and upvotes. That would allow them to become more financially independent and also ensure that our limited resources would last longer, allowing us to continue with project #hope.


ps. Claiming PAL tokens is very simple and you can find instruction below on top of comment section (airdrop will last till 7th July).



Currently it's all just an idea and I would gladly hear your feedback (I read, comment and upvote all valuable replies). I appreciate any help we can receive and on behalf of all those Venezuelans, I would like to thank you all for reading this post and for your support.

So please, drop a comment and let me know what do you all think.

I would also appreciate if you could consider RESTEEMing this post.

I'm also setting 30 STEEM-BOUNTY on this post to show my appreciation to all those who would support our cause with interesting comment.


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