Introducing The First BURN project from @creativecoin

We have been discussing options for burning tokens quite a bit lately. We could go the burn-bot route, exchanging CCC for a steem upvote, and we probably will do that at some point.

But not quite yet.

What I am going to do is something that will help accounts AND burn tokens at the same time.

How it will work is exactly like this:

  1. Our Curators find worthy posts from and place them in our secret Curator room in our Discord.
  2. I will randomly pick one, two, or twelve for a resteem on the @creativecoin account.
  3. After the payouts are completed, @creativecoin will issue the same amount of tokens as the posts earn and BURN them (send to null)
  4. The first burn will happen on the Saturday following the first payout, then each Saturday after that.
  5. A post will be made on @creativecoin with the amount burned and the posts from that particular week.
  6. As a double bonus: Whatever liquid the creativecoin account posts earn will be burned as well.
  • There is no set amount of posts that will be resteemed
  • There is not a way to "buy" your way on to the list

Once again, THANK you to all that have staked and embraced this project! We have several idea that we will be implementing in the coming weeks, months, and years.

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