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Here is a Post From Steemit you may have missed! - OMG, I have Black Widows Everywhere! šŸ•·

Every night I head up to my off grid House in the woods to get away from civilization.

Normally I just stroll into my home barefoot, or wearing slippers at best. Well tonight I felt something different as my toe graze this little spiderā€™s web on the way in. I stopped to grab the iphone light, and pointed it at my foot to see what it was that felt so peculiar.

Then it hit me, I almost had a heart attack when I saw his little red belly (hourglass) shining back in the dark!

It was a #black-widow standing besides me! Of course I had to take a picture of him in the pitch black night, all alone by myself. Since my iphone wonā€™t let me have the flashlight and the camera running at the same time(that I know), I almost touched him again trying to get these pics for you @steemit!

As I jumped back I got chills down my spine, two close for comfort.

Lucky I Survived, this time! šŸ™

Maybe it is a sign, time to invest in a new Pair of Shoes??? Meh - Oh-my!


I freaked out after realizing what he was - #deadly!

I still left him alone anyway, I figure if I donā€™t bother him, he shouldnā€™t bother me, right? Tomorrow night I will just have to watch my step, lol šŸ˜‚

Just my luck, maybe I better take it easy for a while! Done a lot flagging, made a lot of Karma!!!!

#poison #spider #black-widow #pal #photography

Iā€™m not sure why this happened, Iā€™ve never spotted a Black Widow up here before-now??

I think I will have to be more careful walking in, or just get some shoes??? I hate shoes though! Close Call! If I got bitten up here, Iā€™m pretty sure I would not wake up in the morning. #nobody-around for miles! #no service

I tried to post these pis from Instagram, not enough service in that stretch of the woods!

Steemit still works though! +1 for Steemit!

Update: Spider Bites in the Night!

Oh yeah, I ended up getting bitten at least 5 times by a spider last night, & It still hurts like hell this A.M.! ! Spider bites make for some bad vivid dreams too. I was burning in my sleep, tossing, turning, & itching all night long! I could feel the toxic venom coursing around through my veins. My leg even felt tingly for a few hours!!

I guess how it happened was when I was kneeling down in the dark taking photos, another one must have crawled up my shorts or dropped down on my back. I do remember feeling something crawling on me, and I do think the spider was biting me up the whole time I was writing this post. I also put my backpack on the ground while I took the pics, so maybe a little guy got in there and managed to attack me in the night while I slept! At one point I remember squishing him after feeling a sting on my back. Sleeping with black widows is the worst! lol

The bites burned, they still burn & itch today!!!

I had a crazy spider spider dream last night too, it was strange, when I closed my eyes I would see spiders hallucinogenic spiders dancing everywhere!????

Even @berniesanders was in my dream. My girlfriend was his girlfriend though, I was mad and shocked. He was mega rich and they were rubbing it in! He had a caravan of huge mobile homes, and fancy cars!! My ex professor was in the dream, and we were discussing all my Bitcoin purchases! Everybody seemed kinda sour at that point. It was a very vivid and clear dream, I'm glad I could remember bits and pieces of it when I woke up this morning!

I was very surprised, ey-yey-yey!

Hereā€™s a little bump on my knee that swelled up. Back to bed for me, Iā€™ll be ok! There must have been another one watching, jumped on me, he probably got squished in my sleep or something! My leg hurts, my butt hurts, burning, tingling, must have seen me taking pictures and just attacked! Guess I got what what was coming for me! Back to bed for me!

Also got bitten on my butt!


I had to re-post this one here on #palnet because it was censored by @john371911!

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NOTE: This account @swelker101 keeps threatening me! @aggroad thanks! Can you please block him from flagging me, this is not fair!

My vote does not work on him, why should his vote work on me???

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Here is my letter to our Leader!

Hope she can help us all!
Hi @elipowell, this guy keeps threatening me, trying to antagonize me after I said I would not flag or bother anyone anymore if he/they stop!
I will stop flagging innocent comments, however when I see @swelker101 flagging me every time it makes me want to retalliate!

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Today they DDOS my replies on steemit so I can't see them!

It is totally obvious which accounts to ban/block! Please for everybody!

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New downvote policy as of 07/02/19 12:00 GMT

Saving all my downvotes for beany(you know who) and only those that directly downvote me!

It had been working flagging all the innocent comments on beanyā€™s blog, however it is time for a change.

I am only downvoting back from now on. So if you want my downvotes you must downvote me first!

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