The Jack Ma School of Blah Blah Blah (The story of a flunkie)

@justinsunsteemit posted this on his twitter feed that he regularly uses to tell tall tells, calls witnesses malicious hackers and bragging about his lunch with another liar.....Warren Buffett. By the way Justy, Warren gave away all the shit coins you gave him. Tron is about as valuable as used McDonald’s hamburger wrappers.


  1. What do you have? More money than brains, a bigger ego than a Chinese emperor & a blockchain that has millions in fake volume and busted Dapps.

  2. What do you want? To control a blockchains governance, move everything in the world to Tron and corrupt exchanges and friends to do whatever it takes to get it.

  3. What are you willing to give up? Well NOTHING actually, you still vote with your own powered up exchange acct (Poloniex) and you talk in more circles than a politician.

  4. What will you have? A pile of dog shit if you don’t change your attitude!

You obviously missed the lesson taught on the very first day......good job flunkie. You still haven’t even changed your price feeds, most likely because you have no idea what you even need to do. It’s destroying your newly purchased “Steeemy”. Ice up Justin, the community is curb stomping you right now and will continue to do so until you do the right thing. Remove your witness votes and crawl back into your Tron hole. Your a Jack Ma wannabe nerd.

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