From A Place Called Logic.

No one person has the answers to every question in the universe no matter how educated they think they are,there will always be something we are not so knowledgeable about.

That's why it is imperative we make ourselves receptive to new ideas even if it is coming from someone we are in disagreement with or from someone who has offended us in some way in the past.

We should learn to be able to move past it by not holding onto grudges and instead try to make sense of their belief, idea or solution that is being presented to us and if it has merit,we use it to our advantage.

Just because an idea did not originate from us doesn't mean we should discount it.It might contain the cheat codes necessary to unlocking the next level of growth that will benefit everyone involved.

When we approach life with this mindset.A mindset that is more logical than emotional,we will never get lost in the forest of uncertainty.

Thanks for Reading.

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