7 Palestinians Murdered and Hundreds Injured So Far Today During "Land Day" Demonstrations

(Video 7:02)

What I Discuss in My Video

  • This is premeditated murder, on March 28th the IOF announced they would have 100+ snipers on the Gaza Border authorized to use live fire.
  • Drones were used to drop tear gas
  • 7 Palestinians murdered already today, including one Farmer
  • Counts of up to 650 Palestinians injured so far (I will keep updating this article throughout the day)
  • Palestinians have the right to return
  • If israelis were killed or injured today you would never stop hearing it on your tv and so-called 'news'
  • It is up to us all to spread the truth and be the TRUE MEDIA for Palestinians as the mainstream media are paid liars who's job is to cover up this ethnic cleansing/genocide


100+ snipers authorized to use live fire during Gaza protests – IDF chief -- RT

Palestinian Land Day -- Noreen Sadik

Seven Palestinian civilians were shot and killed and more than 550 other were seriously injured today by the Israeli occupation army during #LandDay to demand their right to return to the homes of their families in occupied Palestine /Gaza. -- Palestinian Photojournalist Hamde Abu Rahma

Live blog: Israeli army opens fire as tens of thousands march in Gaza -- +972Mag

Israeli forces kill 7 Palestinians on Land Day -- Al Jazeera

Update #1: At Least 12 Gazans Dead, Dozens Wounded After Israeli Army, Palestinian Protesters Clash

Update #2 -- Names of Palestinians Murdered on Land Day 2018


Always remember, our silence is their consent, to continue the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

At the very least speak with your wallet, and boycott israeli products and services. #BDS join the movement today >>> https://bdsmovement.net

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