Celebration of Pahela Baishakh

The first day of Bangla year is called Pahela Baishakh!The much expected day comes once a year.According to our culture and tradition,we have been celebrating thi day for centuries.Moreover, we celebrate the day to welcome Bangla year formally.We welcome the day singing ''Esho he Baishakh esho esho ..."The day is celebrated all over the country. The main attractions of the day starts at Ramna Batamul in Dhaka.One this day,shopkeepers decorate their shops,open Halkhata and offer sweets to their costumers and clients...They eat panta bhat and hilsha fish in the morning. They wear traditional clothes.Young boys wear Panjabis and Pajamas,and young girls put on yellow sarees! The students of the Institute of Fine Arts of Dhaka University bring out colourful procession on Pahela Baishakh Bangla Academy, Shilpakala Academy, Chhayant etc organization culture foundations in their respective premises. Actually,Pahela Baishakh is a day of great joy and signify.It reminds us of our rich Bangle Culture and tradition.


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