You, humanity and p2p banking, the eternal mesh.

Since the dawn of self-aware beings there has been the need to communicate with other self-aware beings. The need to contract with another being is essential, necessary and born of nature's development. Therefore, the being is in freedom if they can contract with who they want and on what they want provided both the parties agree. The medium through which these beings contract with is money, which grew out of the Barter system (an obvious and crude method for trade that spawned in the early days), which was inefficient. Now the money is issued from the banks. These banks hold the money earned by self-aware beings and profits off of it using various methods, most of which is used to fund the extraction of money from other self-aware beings. Many times restrictions are placed, withdrawal limits being the most evident. Also unpredictable and sometimes sizable "service charges" are cut from the deposit. A bank's motive is to profit, therefore they will do anything and everything to keep the money with them apart from actually stealing it all, even that is doubtful, it has happened in the past. All this implies that the self-aware being is not in freedom at all, even though they were born free to explore the universe. The quest to explore which demands freedom is directly inhibited by the greed of other self-aware and selfish beings. It is a covert mechanism of slavery that empowers only a few individuals. These individuals gain this power and means to exploit other individuals by virtue of an inherent flaw in the systems that run society and public relations. And it's that the network is centralized. This centralization is the sole cause of misery on the planet. All misery is really lack of freedom. The property of centralization corrupts even the self-aware beings that actually want to be good. Any self-aware being that is aware of itself in a position of power automatically seeks to maintain it's self and will do anything, even destroy it's own species to safegaurd it's own delusion.

Enter p2p banking:
Cryptobanks are banks running on a decentralized network using blockchain technology. Which means YOU ARE THE BANK AND THE BANKER!! Freedom is now restored. It puts everyone who uses it in a position of action that is thought out by them, without hassle, fear and limitations, all in the best interest of the rest of the network. If anyone has an idea for well, anything, a seed, a thought, that could be beneficial or exploratory on any scale, then it can take off with the touch of a button. This happens almost instantly based on the user's credibility, which again, is in their own freedom to decide. The manner in which humanity interacts with each other isn't limited and allows for exploration into possibilities on a massive scale. So massive it's incomprehensible.


Datarius is one such cryptobank, which has game changing instant features and solid foundations that allow the user to monitor and manage their own bank right on their electronic devices. Take a look at their official sources to find out more:

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