The State Of D And A

I tried posting this on Didn't work dot I don't know. Probably a mobile issue. Never happens on @peakd. Big shout-out to the folks over there. I've been using their front end since it was steempeak.

I almost created a community once. Made it all the way to the keys page, nah, too much responsibility and, for what, so I can make a community called OutOfThinAir where the first rule in OutOfThinAir is no rules? Language, don't care. Parental controls and content specificity, don't care and don't care but at least it'll be a community when I post and not just a #tag, iThought, and then maybe the swingin dicks who prioritize community support will pay attention, meh—stupid.

Not a good enough reason to safely stow away additional keys. I have enough secrets. I'm probably overthinking it—community or not to community. I'm not into them anyway. I think I'm anti-community. Correction, definitely anti. Too similar to groups and clubs and cliques—click.

So, I'm just doing my own thing—wingin it. Posting under my own tag. Thanks for keeping up with me despite the solo commune. You're welcome to use it—tag. I do keep an eye on it. Just remember the first rule!

My vacancy is more frequent recently, not just here but in your comments—nothing personal. I'm working real hard right now on a couple other projects. I'll exceed 50k words on the travel one this week and I'm just shy of 15k on the comedy one. 50k is the deepest I've ever dove into a project and it's not even half full. Real excited about it. A third one, too, it's in cogitation at present.


I work on those for two hours and 45 minutes in the morning, six days a week, Saturday - Thursday. No negotiating with myself.

  • Meditate
  • Stretch
  • Pray
  • Time starts now

I don't gym or write or anything on Friday. If I can avoid two on's, I don't even put shoes on on Friday.

I work better under pressure. No one pressures me heavier than me. Then, you know; Pura, gym, Atlas (in that order). Atlas demands a lot of attention—no days off. Gym before her or I'll never get in there. Not to mention a new house I somehow manage to build additions for like every single day and before you know it..


I'm trying to stay ahead of the curation curve. Challenging when you're supporting manually. I'm doing everything manual now. I'm a big fan of trails. If only the same for all but a witness or two. Shoulda stopped at trails.

My curation increased since making the adjustment, didn't expect that. I went from around 5-13 HP/day to 8-21 currently so, either The Luckiest Guy I Know strikes again or I'm doing something right. Six in one / half-dozen in the other, what else?

Knee's healing nicely. That's an understatement actually. Doctor kicked me out of the office at week seven. He's even more surprised than me how quickly it healed. They said 6-10 months. More like 6-10 weeks. Wish I could say the same about my hand. I swear if I get my hand back I'll never take painting or drawing or portraits or pin-striping or airbrushing or.. for granted again.

My most played musical genre seems to be evolving from hip hop and rap to blues and bluer blues. I'll be 50 in a couple years, better late than never iGuess to get into Muddy Waters. You heard Mannish Boy? 70 years that song's been around and I just heard it for the first time in Topsail—beach town you can listen to a cup of coffee and enjoy the immutable Atlantic at the same time or vice versa.


Pura was all, "I need to get away!!"

I had no idea you need space. Is this cuz the shower story??

Not you, dork. Away from here, what shower story?

'OUR' story, never mind. You know dork means 'the penis,' right?

Of course, dork.

She doubled down on the penis. And then booked two weeks on the coast. That didn't suck.


I'd rather be a liver than have one said me 9 years, 8 months and 26 days ago. I'd rather crack jokes than crack open says this me. Distraction—don't know when I'm serious, you know? They say people with traumatic history are funny because they disguise their emotion in humor. Well then, I'm hilarious! Not really.


I can me - me - me as good as anyone - anyone - anyone but I'd rather n - o - t. Makes me feel weird—uncomfortable like every time the sales associate asks if I'm an exclusive club member and I say no and they ask if I want to join and I say no and then they say but it's just a phone number and I say no and it'll only take a couple seconds, they say, no thank you, I say, but it'll save you [X amount] on your next purchase and I go no, again, and they ask if I'm sure and I say yes and they say well, looks like I can't talk you into it.

You're seeing right through me...

Have a nice day!


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