The Craziest Single Page You've Seen in Eight Days, Mate.

I LOVE the name "EminEnemy™", because that cousin of ours loves to play word games, and to engage in hyper creative flowing narrative formation. I think i'd take Em, even after his last unusual anti trump video, over Juan Manuel Miranda. I'm hopefully the opposite of a notsee™ AND the opposite of a racecyst™, but i can't even read let alone write the name Juan, without thinking of "Long Juans™", lol, which are "mexican long johns", of the same EXACT quality possibly, but sold with Great Marketing. Maybe the entire marketing campaign would be absolutely bullshit. It could PRETEND that the mexican people had literally united to form a government of the people, not entirely horrific to the rich, but such that, in the future, money is seen just like a drug, but with even more power to destroy us, by corrupting the moral cores of human beings who were most often procreated into the Blankest, yet Most Amazing Slates.

"Long Juans™", after dozens of millions in sales, gets proven to be nor more than another cynical marketing scheme, and a way for the people of another nation to demonstrate to what degree the "Great Americans" are actually mostly just fucking suckers. Suckers that are just much free'r and richer than the average citizens of earth.

Suckers that don't yet realize, that we're not just supposed to be A Revolutionary Civilization, but THE Revolutionary Civilization.

The one that Finally Wakes the Fuck Up and Realizes what's actually meant, by WE THE PEOPLE™. lol ™.

WE THE PEOPLE are a "THING" that does not yet technically exist, nor even the remotest equivalent.




Some of y'all may even be conclusively ruined, and that's sad as fuck, and probably not even your fault at all, but your parents, and theirs, and the Giant Rivers of History, and the Trillions of Streams of Daily Reality.

People aren't really Inherently Better or Worse than other people, and with not that many exceptions, almost every single one of us was straight up MADE much more than we were ever BORN, as if the condition of our birth could make us at fault.

For what? The decisions we made when we were sperm? Absurd.

I can see a society so ahead of the times we're presently living rather idiotically within, where the society literally invests shit tons in inventions and programs to make life greater in realistically very meaningful ways, for anyone who suffers a lot or is perhaps disabled and would absolutely love to find some kind of actual happiness, or just have much more fun.

We need Modern Renaissance SO FUCKING BAD.

That takes the PATRON AGE™.

They are names, but those are anything but "JUST NAMES™".

Fuck, lol. "Just Names™" is a Name, because another one of the 420 suggests that perhaps "Nothing is Just™", and i fucking love those entendres. I'd consider EntenDre™ as another of my many names that i use for Rap Practice.

We're making an insane, Choose yOUR Own Ad VEnture, since that's one of the only ways to create true GREATNESS.

This whole post was going to happen after i wrote the word EMINEMENY, but shit, i was thinking it was EMINENEMY, which is probably better for legal reasons? [Or was It Em' and Enemy™]

The POINT IS that when creating a Great Totally Interactive Choose Your Own Adventure, where the vast majority of the bits utilized by Very Critical [but Creative] Masses, come from the HPC's themselves,



OF/FOR&BY isn't just some undercliched Phrase.



On certain "Levels" in Democrazy, EVERYONE is positively anonymous.

When you create the worlds most widespread free flowing choose your own adventure poem by at least a matter of factors, you'd like to think that you have both Mathers and Miranda.

Imagine what those two could do, "Helping" Copernicus and Socrates, better "Present" what it was they had to say, to a wide range of International Populations, from any point in the entirety of Mind Space Time.

It's WHAT YOU SAY, but that doesn't matter if you can never SAY IT EFFECTIVELY.

The MOST IMPORTANT REALIZATIONS that "WE" Obviously don't see,

Because our Defense Mechanisms are just Tremendous,
at "Defending The Present™".

One does not cease being a fool until one knows one is, ultimately and even universally speaking.

We've almost always been wrong, but it almost seems on at least one page, as if we're getting less wrong every day.

Let me restate that last sentence and supercede it completely, if you please. "Our POTENTIAL for ending headless oppression and unnecessary injustice, is SO GREAT, that our actual SCORE, in terms of what we actually do, handicapped to accommodate for our vastly greater abilities - UTTERLY FUCKING SUCKS.

All our superheroism and magic goes to defeating easily visualizable and emotionally seethworthy evils.

We never DO ANYTHING COOL. [or very rarely]

We can't just get out of the Box,
But must build ourselves a World,
where such Boxes are Not Possible.

We need to work together to write, by far, histories finest and most justifiable BUY BULLS™.

Incredibly irreverent texts,

Now you know that i would always have had to add "IrreveRANT™",
which is actually a new word smithing tidbit,
and also "The Irreverent Reverand™" [aka "The IrReverend™].

Lol, YOU try to get to FOUR HUNDRED and TWENTY IDEAS!,

without resorting to literally little more wordplay,
with some hope that the in question ideas words combine,
to create the seed of some slightly worthwhile entertainment.

At the end,
DemoCrazy™ pretty much exists to ensure that the best possible path of future action,
has a reasonably good chance of being nearly adhered to,
because the will of the people able and willing to unionize behind deeply illuminated human constitutions,
may in fact see us do The RIGHT THINGS,
even when that is essentially in question.

The "HARDER" you make even the most beautiful "ComMUTINTY™",
that more likely that your core constituency is entirely made up of,

"Net Givers™".

In "SAVR" [systems of virtual realization],

These "NET GIVERS" begin to receive the help they always needed help collectively visualizing,

and beginning the process of developing the MOST world changing ventures EVER.

To "Kiss" It [Keep it Super Simple],

imagine two blank canvasses onto which are to be built two towns, with 10,000 people moving into each,

not even considering for a moment, whether either of these towns "constitutions", might turn out to see it's people end up far more productive and prophet-able both,

or even the possibility that one or the other town, would most likely attract many more of kinds of minds that invent and innovate where there is a basis for that happening.

Everyone brings $100,000 in equity to the town, or let's even say that everyone brings $100,000 in DEBT to both versions of the venture in question.

In net Taker Town, everyone invests $100,000 in their own HOME, leaving everything public to be dealt with by way of taxes.

In net Giver Town however, Every City-Zen "realizes" a number of things about the "Business of Living", and the most successfully demonstrated pathways to actual happiness.

Each Net Giver, in the context of believing they'll be living in one of the most beautiful communities, if not the most beautiful communities, on the face of our mother nature, puts only $50,000 into their house, and invests the other $50,000, into a pool, with which to CO OPERATE, [in the design, construction, maintenance, growth, happiness, and franchising of] something akin to "DemoCrazy™".

In this scenario, where GOVERNMENT is honestly believed to have seen the forces of corruption isolated from it almost in their entirety [pending a consistently evolved ledger of updated anti corruption functions],

 Those 10,000 people have a "Pool" with 500 MILLION Dollars in it.

Now, since you're putting in $50,000 of that $500,000,000, of course you have a damned active hand in the preparation for eventually actual ground breaking, "IN SIM",

and it's actually possible,

that i'll work on this more tomorrow.



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