The youth party in Korea, and crypto curreuncy(“Cryptofuture”)


Cryptofuture is a club created by some members of the “Ourfuture” party who are interested in the encryption currency.

We have two beliefs.

First, the youth party “Ourfuture”, will create a new wind in the political realm of the Republic of Korea. We have been playing our small role for the beginning observating the growth or our party for the past year. It was also true that we had our doubts at the beginning. Can we start with politics like this? Would it not just be talk all at the same time without a system? But just as the first year has passed, we feel that all the people around us, and ourselves, are growing fast. In addition, our role in politics seems to become clear. I thought it would take a very long time, but I believe that it will be a political comet like France's En Marche! or Italy's Movimento 5 Stelle sooner than expected.


Second, encrypted currency and block chain technology will create a new era. There are a number of people who have undergone major changes in the marketplace and who say that encrypted money is a mirage and will eventually disappear. As we study this field, it is true that there are many issues to be solved for the settlement of technology. But a lot of smart, enthusiastic people are worried about them, and they will someday solve issues and affect the industry as a whole.


The reason why I made the club is that it is a combination of these two beliefs. Since I am an innovative political party that will someday enter the national assembly and have an impact, I have thought that I should have my own opinion through the study of future technology.

In the club, we will look at basic block chaining, studying encryption currency, and projects that will change the appearance of society. I will also discuss how to look at issues from a political point of view, which is also our core.

Now that meeting has started, sometimes it is scarce, and even though it is trivial, I will take it step by step. Thank you for and hope you can support us.


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