Sultan II.Murat


The second Murat is a tall, white-skinned, born-nessed and very beautifully-faced sultan. He spoke very well. Sultan Murat was a moving, courageous, and nobody who desires calm and peaceful life but when necessary. During his thirty years of reign, he managed his country with a great honor and honor, leaving the image of a pious, devout, just and graceful sultan who was under his command. The childhood of Sultan II.Murat passed in Amasya. He turned 18 on the throne. Poet and calligrapher. He was a very good soldier. He wrote poems. At the time, the Venice fleet fought. Thessaloniki was re-conquered. There was a pseudo Mustafa rebellion and suppressed this rebellion. In 1422 he surrounded Istanbul. In 1423 Mora was taken again. In 1428, Germiyan Beylik joined the Ottomans. Güvercinlik victory against Venice and the Crusaders was won. In 1430 Thessaloniki was taken again. In 1438 he dominated Bosnia. In 1439 Belgrade was besieged. In 1443, the Watchful Derby victory against the crusaders was won. In July 1444 the Segadin Agreement was made, but the Crusaders did not stop in their words. When the second Murat took his younger son to the throne, he entered the Ottoman lands. His son II.Mehmet (Fatih) assigned his father to the head of the army. In November 1444 the Varna victory was won. After the victory of Varna Sultan II.Murat crossed the throne again. In 1445, he appeared to Albania and Mora. In October of 1448, the crusaders were attacked again. This time the Second Kosovo Victory was won.

In 1451, Sultan Murat released all his prisoners. When he was 47, he passed away in Edirne Palace. He was buried beside the Muradiye Mosque in Bursa on his will. He was willing not to cover his grave, to make places for them to sit on their sides and read the Qur'an, and to put the festival on Friday. The will was fulfilled. Sultan II.Murat time in many places of the country, mosque, madrasahs, palaces and bridges were made. One of these is the Three Honorable Mosque in Edirne. There is a madrasah beside the mosque and an alms house for the poor. He built the Muradiye Mosque in Edirne again. The walls and mihrab of this mosque are adorned with very beautiful art. Muradiye Mosque in Bursa and the 170-foot Long Bridge over the Ergene River were built by Sultan Murat.

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