
– Blank Type
Fill in the blanks.

  1. The SI unit of force is ………. .
  2. The unit of force in SI is ………. .
  3. The unit ……… is the same as newton meter.
  4. The unit of work done in British system is ………. .
  5. A wound clock spring has the ………. energy.
  6. The energy may be given in terms of ……. .[or the electron volt]
  7. The unit kilowatt is the unit of ………. .
  8. The product of the force applied and the ………. can be expressed as power.
  9. The product of the force and the velocity is equal to ………. .
  10. The product of the force and velocity is ……….. .
  11. The …….. is the product of the force and velocity.
  12. The rate of doing work is defined as ……. .
  13. The rate of doing work is ………. .
  14. In British engineering system, the power of motors and engines are also expresses in ….... .
  15. 1 hp is equal to …..erg s-1.
  16. One mega watt is equivalent to ……… watt.
  17. If the work done in 9s is 63 J, the power is ……. .
  18. There are …….. W in 1 hp.
  19. 1 kW power is ……… than 1 hp.
  20. The unit watt is the same as …… .
  21. The unit one joule per second is equivalent to ……… .
  22. The mechanical advantage of a machine depends on the ………. present.
  23. Mechanical advantage is the ratio of the …… to the effort.
  24. The velocity ratio is usually much greater than ………. .
  25. If a machine is …….. the mechanical advantage will be equal to the velocity ratio.
    26.The ability to retain the original form is called ……… .
  26. The ratio of the stress to the strain is ……… .
  27. A spring obeys ……… law.
  28. Within elastic limit ….. is directly proportional to the strain.
  29. The strain produced is proportional to the ………. .
  30. The force applied to an elastic body is called ………. .
  31. The ratio of the load to ……. is defined as mechanical advantage.
  32. The ……… of a machine is always less than 100%.
  33. One ……… is equal to a rate of energy transfer of 1 joule per second.
    35.The SI unit of power is ……… .
  34. The SI unit of the mechanical power is ……. .
  35. If the work done in 1 second is ……. the power is 1 watt.
  36. The strain produced is proportional to the ……… .
  37. The rate of doing work is defined as ………. .
  38. newton(N) 2. newton(N) 3. joule(J) 4. foot-pound(ft-lb) 5. potential 6. joule(J)
  39. power 8. velocity 9. power 10. power 11. power 12. power 13. power
  40. horse power(hp) 15. 7.46 x 109 16. 106 17. 7 W 18. 746 19. greater
  41. joule per second(J s-1) 21. one watt 22.friction 23. load 24. one 25. perfect
  42. elasticity 27. constant 28. Hooke’s 29. stress 30. stress 31.stress 32. effort 33.efficiency 34.watt 35.watt 36. watt 37. one joule 38. stress 39. power

Question No.2 –True or False
Are the following statements True or False?

  1. Work isf force and distance travelled is work.
  2. The potential energy can be transformed into electrical energy.
  3. Energy and power have the same unit.
  4. Power is more fundamental than energy.
  5. A machine of high power should be u
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