Orthopedic problems in infants

There is no doubt that any problem that arises in the baby can be much more stressful than a similar problem that arises in us. This is not only because the baby is actually our child who will be the next generation but also because the problems can be more meaningful to his routine and especially later on.

Are orthopedic problems more severe in babies?

Orthopedic problems in infants can be more severe or less and this is mainly dependent on the problem. There may be some problem that will be quite similar between an adult and a baby but in fact most of the problems will be more severe in infants for the simple reason that it is still developing. When it develops with the problem it can take more weight in the body and make it harder for him later so that the treatment itself will be difficult at a later stage. These orthopedic problems can arise for all sorts of reasons and it is important to discover them as quickly as possible.

How do we find orthopedic problems in infants?

There are all kinds of orthopedic problems that can arise in the baby but the good news is that most of the problems you can pick up yourself quite simply. There are many problems especially in the feet when the foot of the baby continues to develop. In the end these problems can be obvious when the baby can not walk or he cries as soon as he steps, and sometimes one can notice a problem in a completely visual way. When you identify a problem or suspected problem it is important to get to an experienced orthopedic doctor as soon as possible to understand how dangerous it is and how to solve the problem.

What will we do after we discover that there is a problem?

After you find out that there is some problem or you suspect a problem, no matter whether it is small or large, significant or not, you must reach an orthopedist. Note that this must be an orthopedist who is an expert in treating infants and children rather than a regular orthopedist because the injury mechanism may be different. Your HMO has specialized orthopedic doctors but you can choose to go to any orthopedist you want and the main thing is that your baby is healthy. It is important to remember that every doctor can have a different treatment and therefore it is very important to delve into the problem and its implications along with all the options placed on the table before you choose.

What problems can happen to a baby and how?

There is a wide range of orthopedic problems that can happen to babies as well as older people, when there are not many unique problems specific to the baby. One of the most common problems is a flat foot or a high arch, where these problems can be congenital developmental problems, or developmental problems are acquired. For example, it may be that he was born this way, but he may also have received this problem following an infection, when the problem is usually genetic.

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