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"Making or losing money on this post is of my least concern. My drive isn’t money"

Why did you monetise the post and then proceed to spam huge amounts of bid bots then.

"This is the problem that I’ve had with raw food haters over the last 20+ years"

I see, so this has nothing at all to do with your contradictory statements and spammy behaviour, it's because there's a hoard of tyrannical trolls out there who really have a problem with other people eating celery sticks. Well that clears that one up then.

"I did more research and you can clearly see that my Ormus post got 80% upvotes and only 20% downvotes, It seems to me that there is a small tyrannical aspect going on here on Steemit"

Those numbers do not represent the qualitative value of any given post at all, and are in no way to be interpreted on a simple like/dislike basis. That is a false comparative. It is also not evidence of a "tyranny", your cognitive dissonance is astounding.

People have a self interest to vote on trending posts because of the potential to earn curation on said post, even if they couldn't give two hoots about its content. Ergo, an 80% upvote does not mean 80% of those people actually care about or like your post.

Conversely it is highly unusual to receive any downvotes on Steemit, there is not the same self interest drive to downvote, arguably it is weighted more in meaning than an upvote. Simply, people genuinely downvote behaviour they really don't like. Notice I said behaviour, not the content nor product you were trying to sell in your post. That's an important point because you are mistakenly defending your products, not your behaviour.

I believe your post is one of the most downvoted posts in the history of Steemit and it's not because there is a conspiracy or prejudice against raw fooders here. A 20% downvote is HUGE here. A dubious accolade which should, I hope, give you pause for thought.

"I firmly believe in Ormus and use it frequently. I know thousands of people that have experienced the healing properties of Ormus. For those who are so quick to judge it as snake oil, I wonder if you have ever tried it or maybe you were duped with an inferior version."

Well then that leaves you massively open to cognitive bias, belief and subjective testimony mean nothing. Especially given the fact you sell a "superior" version of it. Cognitive bias is a well established phenomena, I have not seen you post one link to a double blind study that proves anything about ormus, or any of the other things you claim.

Just because you and "thousands of people that have experienced the healing properties of Ormus" doesn't mean anything until you cite a reliable double blind study. Because cognitive bias and placebo.
This in part, is why your post got so many downvotes.

"It’s sad to see something that has a good uplifting effect on people get trashed like this. There are literally thousands of stories on the internet and countless of people I have known personally who were healed by Ormus and experienced great benefit from it."

There are "literally thousands of stories on the internet" about the earth being flat. Your point is?

"It just seems that my attempts of communication to apologize and rectify the situation are being ignored."

You made no attempt to apologise anywhere in this post, you just stated you had "made a mistake" and then immediately tried to justify your position and play victim. That isn't an apology, an apology requires you uttering the words "I am sorry."

Now, I am not saying you should or shouldn't genuinely apologise, although it might be a good idea. I'm just explaining what an apology actually is, as you seem to be struggling with its definition.

"Look everybody…. I’m a good guy"

Yes, everyone likes to think that about themselves. Seeing as you have hardly made any positive comments on OTHER peoples posts, and then proceeded to use bid bots to flog your product whilst claiming not being interested in making money, your above statement is on shaky ground. Respect and good reputation are earned, not freely given on the behest of the person claiming they deserve it.

I trust this helps and I wish you luck, you're going to need it.

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