Qiibee-A solution to the challenges of Loyalty Programs. My Experience with Maggi

I grew up in a remote village in the heart of West Africa. As a child whose parents were among the low income earners, I could not get most of the stuff some cool kids in the block had because my parents couldn't afford them. I had to look for a means of getting some freebies without bothering my parents who now grew weary of my grudging attitude. I started taking part in loyalty programs when I was just about a decade old.


I can remember vividly when Maggi, a spice brand in my country organized a loyalty program in the early 2000s'. The aim was to reward their loyal customers that were using their spice in cooking and we were undoubtedly one of such. Their entry rule was simple, gather 50 empty sachets of Maggi spice and stand a chance to win a football, lollipop, balloon, bicycle, etc. These prizes were to be won after successive accumulation of stakes. As little as I was, I mobilized my friends and we went knocking on our neighbours' houses one after the other asking for used Maggi sachet. After few days, we were able to gather over 50 empty sachets. We then took them to the redemption centre and claimed our 3 stakes, we were told by the company's representative who was impressed at our zeal that we have to accumulate up to 30 stakes to be eligible to get the bicycle which I so much admired and always wish to have one.
The zeal to get the new bike made us to continue our search for the empty sachet, but this time, it was hard for us to get up to 50 empty sachets in a week. This was aggravated by the competitive nature of the market as other brands were now giving out similar freebies.
After struggling to get up to 9 points, we decided to also partake in Royco loyalty program as more of our neighbours were now using royco to prepare their meals. At the end of the days,we were not still able to reach the 10 stakes which was the requirement to win a candy pack.

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Frustrated and disappointed, we abandoned the escapade and lose all the accumulated stakes simply because they lack liquidity.
Those days even before the advent of blockchain technology, I've always wish for a system that will integrate all the loyalty programs offered by product manufacturers to their loyal customers. Imagine a situation where all the brand of spice that existed those days integrated their loyalty programs, we would have been rewarded for our efforts and the brand will still be the favourite in the market because of the convenience in switching form one to another.

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With qiibee utilizing the power of the blockchain technology, loyal customer will enjoy the luxury of switching from one product offering loyalty program to another without bothering about the un-utilization of the accumulated stakes/points. Product manufacturers can now maintain and reward their customers effectively and remain their customer's favourite brand/choice. Qiibee will achieve this by registering these companies' loyalty program on their blockchain and integrating them in such a way that a customer can benefit from such programs anywhere in the world.

I believe qiibee will solve the problem I faced as a child and prevent the re-occurrence of such experience. With qiibee, low income earners can spend with less worries as they are sure of enjoying the full benefits of loyalty program organized by their favourite products. You can read more about qiibee at www.qiibee.com

This post is an entry to a writing contest organized by @originalworks. Check out the contest post here.

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