Writing Contest: Patron.The future of social networks


Source of image taken from Patron's WhitePaper and modified with PowerPoint



With the emergence of social networks on the Internet a new way of communicating was born and with it a new subculture. The first great social network was Facebook who in a short time became popular among young adults who found in the network a new way to socialize and make friends, in a short time appeared other networks that covered other segments such as Youtube, Instangram and others.

With the boom of social networks many young people began to become popular within these networks by publishing from their way of dressing, acting up to making videos with their occurrences, creating a large number of loyal followers. These previously unknown people became famous in the networks and their influence when promoting or marketing a product is respected by their followers.

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Today being popular on social networks allows you to earn money by marketing products and getting sponsors. Now many companies realize that they do not need big movie stars or sports to market their products on the web, or pay large amounts of money to a movie star and receive a poor return on investment.

The influencers in social networks are common people and that's why many of their followers identify with them and create a connection that movie stars or sports would not, this connection opens the doors for companies to hire these people to market Your products and the profit potential is much better.

Patron identified the potential of uniting these influencers with the right companies by creating a market segmentation to obtain the best possible result and tokenising the process where all those involved, influencers, companies and followers win.

What is Patron?

It is a blockchain project that unites current trends associated with cryptocurrencies and social networks. Patron helps to connect the brands with the appropriate influencers and get a greater exposure of the product. Patron will allow influential people to have the ability to connect with more brands through Patron online and on mobile devices.


Patron & Economy

Patron combines the market of networks with the new shared economy, which was successfully introduced by AirBnB and Uber.

One of the great innovations of Patron is to divide the influencers into categories and classify them according to their followers. This is very useful for sponsors to maximize their marketing campaigns more efficiently.

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Patron allows its influential people to share their followers with sponsoring companies to carry out targeted marketing, thereby creating an accurate assessment of how often their followers buy the product.

The blockchain is very useful in this model because it does not require any third party guarantee deposit service to connect those involved in the process, followers, influencers and sponsors. In addition, all transfers and value receipts between members of the network are recorded immutable.

How does Patron determine the value of an influencer?

Three method to judge and determine the value of influencer.
1.“Dissemination ability / reachability (number)”
2.“Power to engage / Engagement”
3.“Trust / evaluation by users”


The Patron Model

There are three different types of users in the Network Patron. They are the following:
• Host; o Influencer
• Guest; Sponsor
• Fan; or follower

The influencers (hosts) can establish contracts with sponsors to ensure a stable income for a period of time determined by the contract. At that time, the influencer can only promote the sponsor's materials if their contract so stipulates. The influencer acts as an ambassador for the brand. Influencers can also actively advertise sponsors if required by contract.

smart contract Patron.png

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It will be ensured that the Sponsors (Guests) reach a certain number of followers during an agreed time. These followers will be part of a certain demographic or destination market in regards to the materials that the influencer is advertising. Sponsors can also block a demographic group for a long period of time if the right influencer accepts a contract. Sponsors must be evaluated in order to access the Guest options: the criteria include financial and agency capacity in the case of individuals.


Source of image taken from Patron's WhitePaper and modified with PowerPoint


What is the benefit of directly connecting influential people with companies?

The benefit of connecting an influencer in networks is that it allows companies to maximize their marketing campaigns and to identify the market more efficiently and effectively to have greater exposure of their products and therefore better sales.

How do influencers benefit from using Patron?

The influencers benefit from using Patron because it allows them to connect directly with the sponsors without the need for intermediaries and make smart contracts with the sponsors directly, allowing them to receive secure income by promoting the companies' products and capitalize in a safe way. efficient and fast your image.

How do companies benefit from using Patron?

With Patron companies can disseminate their information quickly for their demographic and investment-related crowds and the minimum investment key. They can also target more than one demographic group at a time if they are complementary.

Pattern Token

The PAT will be used:

• By sponsors to get involved with influential people and use their networks.
• On the part of the fans to promote the content of the influencers that follow through "I like", which in turn raises the qualifications of the influencer and its commercialization.
• By influencers to reward fans for contests, promotions and events.

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Source of image taken from Patron's WhitePaper and modified with PowerPoint


Case of use

Karla is a college girl who loves clothes and her free lifestyle, since she published her photos in Instangram when she goes out to buy clothes and shows how to combine blouses with pants or skirts that highlight the figure, her success in the networks has grown so much that it has more than 150,000 followers who write to him asking for advice on clothes and where to buy them. Karla wants to capitalize on her success and market. The market segment of its followers are young adults who want to be fashionable and dress well.


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Model In is a clothing company based in New York that is beginning to design clothes for young adults, but does not have a large marketing budget and needs to get good results in their return investment in marketing. They tried with famous people from the cinema, but the costs were very high and the results in poor sales. Here is when they discover Patron.

They realized that even though Karla had fewer followers than the movie star they had hired, Karla had better sales than the movie star and that Karla's results were growing thanks to her followers. The company decided to offer Karla a contract for a certain time allowing Karla to obtain stable income.

Final Considerations

Patron is a great innovation to monetize and capitalize markets by segmenting them efficiently from the influencers in social networks and for companies to quickly obtain information from groups of people to maximize sales of their products and direct specific marketing campaigns. The followers of the influencers will benefit to obtain better content generated by a network that is able to monetize the value derived from their attention.

For all these reasons for the influential, companies or followers Patron is the best platform to monetize and capitalize content on social networks.


Here is a few videos that gives a quick overview:

More Information & Resources:
Patron Website
Patron WhitePaper
Patron Telegram
Patron Facebook
Patron LinkedIn
Patron Bitcointalk
Patron DEMO

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Written as part of the https://steemit.com/crypto/@originalworks/2300-steem-sponsored-writing-contest-patron


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