Writing Contest: Digitex. Commission Free Futures Exchange on the Blockchain


Source of image taken from Digitex Futures's webside and modified with PowerPoint


With the creation of Bitcoin was born a new system model that is the blockchain, which is decentralized and not governed by any entity. From then on, new projects and cryptocurrencies have emerged to develop those projects that are quoted in exchange houses through operators. In an emerging market such as cryptocurrencies, there are variants that make it volatile and obtain large gains as losses in very easy.

How can we have more control in markets as volatile as cryptocurrencies?

This question is one of the reasons why many investors shy away from investing in cryptocurrencies and those who do risk gaining large profits or losses.

Buying cryptocurrencies in the future is a high risk in volatile markets before any rumor or mechanisms of regulations and control that governments want to impose on the cryptocurrency markets.

Digitex is born to revolutionize the cryptocurrency market in the future to create an ecosystem through its platform that gives operators not only the control of their investments, but also does not charge commissions for the exchange transactions they make, all thanks to that everything is managed through its DGTX currency.

The DGTX currency guarantees that the ecosystem of the platform is sustainable, works and grows in a balanced way with a low inflation rate.

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How Digitex Works

Digitex in a Futures Exchange in the blockchain, which means that it is decentralized.

Digitex uses the decentralized blockchain system to eliminate commission charges, decentralize account balances and give users governance.

What does this mean?

It means that Digitex gives its users and owners the power to pay the operational cost of transactions with the issuance and sale of new currency instead of charging a transaction fee in all contracts. That is, the users and owners will decide how many new DGTX will be issued to cover operating expenses.

Digitex empowers holders to vote how many DGTX to cast or give that vote to someone they trust. All this results in the issuance of a new DGTX currency that compensated and balanced a healthy, functional market with a low inflation rate


Source of image taken from Digitex Futures's webside and modified with PowerPoint

Decentralized Account Balances

One of the best things that Digitex has is that it does not have the private key of the users or holders, which means that the owner or user has full control of their account.

Digitex can not freeze your assets, mismanage the funds or lose them because they do not have physical access to the funds. If someone tries to hack into Digitex their clients are protected because they do not physically have the funds of their clients.

The balance of customer accounts is maintained through a decentralized and independent intelligent contract in the Ethereum network and not in the exchange.

What Are Futures?

The future is the promise or contract to buy something on a specific date at a specific price.
Futures represent a stabilization in prices for volatile markets such as those of commodities and cryptocurrency markets.

The Future of Futures with Digitex

Thanks to the currency DGTX will be a self-sustaining and constantly growing economy.

Being Digitex, the only Exchange with zero commission charges will attract more and more operators, which in turn will bring more liquidity to the Digitex ecosystem, guaranteeing its sustainability over time.

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What About Existing Exchanges?

In the futures markets Digitex becomes more efficient and competitive with respect to other Exchanges, since the profit margins for investors in future assets are narrow, when charging high commissions a long-term investor can lose or obtain little profit. your investment With Digitex as we see in the example, having zero commissions guarantees a better return on investment and many more comparative advantages than with other exchanges.

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Source: Digitex WhitePaper, Page 23

The Digitex Token (DGTX)

The DGTX token is the engine and heart of the platform without it would be impossible for the entire Digitex system to work. Thanks to DGTX, it is guaranteed that the operations in the platform are zero commissions for the transactions carried out.

To operate on the platform, operators must have DGTX, all profits and losses are expressed in DGTX, so there will be a constant demand from DGTX users. Users and holders will decide how much DGTX to issue, which will allow a healthy balance in operations and their sustainability over time, guaranteeing the lowest possible inflation.

Digitex will forecast and estimate the costs associated with its operations, so they will be transparent to their users so that they understand how their budgetary operations are estimated and spent.


Source of image taken from Digitex Futures's webside and modified with PowerPoint

Final Considerations

  • Digitex revolutionizes the Futures Exchange by having zero commissions in its transactions.
  • DGTX is a token that is self-sustainable and in constant growth where users and owners decide how many DGTX to issue by vote.
  • Balance of user balances are protected and users have full control of their accounts.
  • Digitex by not charging commissions is more profitable and competitive than BitMex.

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Source: Digitex Blog

For all these reasons Digitex is the best Futures Exchange to invest with security and less risk.

For more information watch this short video!

Source of the video

More Information & Resources:

Digitex Website
Digitex WhitePaper
Digitex Blog
Digitex Telegram
Digitex Reddit
Digitex Facebook
Digitex Twitter
Digitex YouTube

All the images were taken from the websideof Digitex Futures

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Written as part of the https://steemit.com/crypto/@originalworks/1250-steem-sponsored-writing-contest-digitex


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