See How The EFFECT.AI Is Revolutionizing The Use Of The Artificial Intelligence

"I keep wondering most times what would have become of us or our human activities had blockchain technology not been discovered. There have always been so many things that I personally have always wished I could have accomplished such as living financially free and so many others. Well truth be told, this is also the case with very many persons world over.
The coming on board of the blockchain (decentralization of things) has relieved very many monopolistic individuals of their powers to deny us all of our much deserved benefits.

Do you see what am driving at, in relations to the emergence of EFFECT.AI ?


Oh yea! Ai in our:

  • Industries
  • Online stores
  • Homes
  • Online tradings
  • Personal computers
  • Smart phones
  • Power supply stations
  • Solar power supplies
  • Factories
  • On our roads
  • For or in our cars
  • In and on our CCTVs
  • ...Wow! Ai everywhere
  • ***


    AI is taking over the world, and it is doing that faster than we could ever imagine. Very many reasons might have prompted this though, reasons such as the need to increase productivity, need to make the world of man more habitable and luxurious, the need to increase revenue, the need to constantly beat time and so on.
    Artificial intelligence has been on ground for ages:

  • In 384 BC–322 BC, Aristotle came up with syllogism, which is a method of formal, mechanical thought.
  • In the 1st century, Heron from Alexandria made the first mechanical men and other automatons
  • This ancient history of the artificial intelligence goes on and on, and this goes a long way to proving that the need to come up with a faster way of doing things is never recent. Having established this fact, let's quickly take a look at the advent of modern artificial intelligence:

    Source: WIKIPEDIA

    Investment into the development and use of the artificial intelligence from the image above and from what we all know has been very expensive, such that the chances becomes slim if not impossible for individuals to be able to afford them.
    Are AI development and use actually supposed to be expensive?

    The development and use of Artificial intelligence is never supposed to be so expensive such that individuals cannot afford them since it was made to help ease man. The development of artificial intelligence require (most times) that complex algorithms are developed, and these are usually done behind closed doors of a very big cooperation who can actually afford to foot all it takes, hence monetizing the end result. The resultant effect is that, individuals cannot in most cases afford these.
    If we continue like this, we will never be able to enjoy the benefits Artificial intelligence and if we ever do, we will never enjoy them to the fullest as we may never be able to afford them, hence the inevitability of having a decentralized platforms wherein we can enjoy these benefits with or without much costs.


    With the decentralization of almost everything (advent of the blockchain), I should think the decentralization of artificial intelligence development and how it works coupled with the advent of institutions who are ready to see this through, comes just at the perfect time. This will not only integrate individuals into the commercial mainstream as opposed to the dominance of the big, monopolistic and wealthy cooperation, but it will also improve the social economic status of very many.
    EFFECT.AI as a decentralized project for artificial intelligence, provides services in the Artificial Intelligence market. Services that could never have been affordable to individuals with little or no money, but have projects they could have completed to the benefit of all if given an ample opportunity to assess an artificial intelligence.
    By solving some major problems associated with the development and use of the artificial intelligence, Effect.Ai positions itself as a catalyst for wider AI integration. These AI assciated problems have not only caused some laudable AI related projects to halt, but even when some become finally successful, they become so expensive to use, hence the scanty integration.

    Effect.AI solves the problems of:

  • Data processing
  • Diverging Tasks, and problems of
  • Computational Costs
  • By providing simple solutions to these above problems, EFFECT.AI will not only bring about a positive social and economic impact of a decentralized Mechanical Turk, but will also bringing down the cost of AI development which will in turn increase integration and finally Increase the derivable benefits of individuals or groups from the Effect.AI Website.

    Summarily and just as it was in the case of Samantha's AI, AI developments will definitely take a new turn of hinging on the blockchain. This is so as they are sure to get the financial succor they lacked outside the blockchain, the lack of patronage they lacked outside the blockchain and the high cost of getting them accomplished.
    This success story as has already been recorded in the case of Samantha is a good pointer to the wider and faster integration of the AI, especially for people with very good projects but who lack finance and the market.
    With the advent of EFFECT.AI , the way AI development works will change as individual developers will develop with the assurance of getting users for them. On the other hand, individuals will see the use of AI as a necessity and affordable.
    Social-economically, the widespread use and integration of the AI will bring about different business activities around the AI , hence giving every participant the much deserved better life.
    People can make a descent living by requesting or performing tasks that teach and develop AI algorithms. Aside this, people can offer and buy AI/ML services and algorithms at the decentralized exchange "Effect Smart Market" .
    Finally, the EFFECT.AI project will not only benefit individuals, it will also be a great benefit to groups who must have combined their skills and time to come up with an artificial intelligence and looking forward to getting it across the users outside their immediate environment.

    This is a very interesting topic to deliberate upon and so therefore, I call on you dear reader to think of making a post about this as this link to participate------->>>>>

    Aside the main image, all other images and screenshots were taken from EFFECT.AI




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