ORIGINAL MUSIC / Ensh - Plaid Patterns (Zombie apocalypse dream song)

This is another song that's very dear to me. Plaid Patterns was based on a dream. I dreamt that I was in a zombie apocalypse . I was running away from the zombies with a small teddy bear friend. The teddy bear was alive and helping me escape from the terror. After a harrowing escape the teddy bear and I reached the ocean. Teddy encouraged me to enter the water, but I was apprehensive. I didn't think I would survive, but the bear assured me I would. When I entered the water I stopped breathing and saw plaid patterns in the water. The teddy and I proceeded to turn into pure consciousness and the patterns were everything, all knowledge, oneness... the singularity. I understood everything and entered a new level of awareness. The dream had a profound effect on me and I wrote the song almost immediately upon waking up in a feverish manic daze.

This song also saw me sampling a choir my mom sang in. I pitched the choir and was able to get some pretty interesting sounding samples in this one.

The video is yet another collaboration with my brother. He was visiting me in Belgrade at the time. We were at Jelena Petkovic's apartment (for those following my work she's responsible a great deal of my other videos). We began shooting the video shot for shot and just editing it as soon as we shot it. We would literally do a scene upload it and then shoot the next one. One of the main reasons I love working with my brother is that he has this brilliant approach. Every video or shot film that he does is some kind of experimental exercise. Its a blessing and a curse. The other day he was lamenting the fact that he feels incapable of doing things in a conventional way. To be honest though I don't really mind it.his unique approach to visuals is what has given my work a very distinct feel. Even if I don't work with him on a particular video I always consult him.

There's this moment in this video with a projector that I absolutely love. Watch out for it. I hope you enjoy! Please let me know your thoughts in the comments!


Plaid Patterns
Feeding my eyes
On the ocean floor

I'm in at tube
Pulled to the side
Far away from shore

To my delight
This is what you wanted
For the rest of your life

I see the patterns
In the water
In the water

I see the patterns
In the water
In the water

Call it dreaming
Waking life
The world I knew is gone

Not dreaming
My body is foreclosed

This is what you wanted
You got it, got it, got it, good

I see the patterns
In the water
In the water

I see the patterns
In the water
In the water

I'm a toy
You're a kid
But not for very long

You're a doll
I'm a child
We're about to change it around

I see the patterns
In the water
In the water

I see the patterns
In the water
In the water

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