The discovery of four colors of fuchsia ornamental flowers


The discovery of four colors of fuchsia ornamental flowers

Hello my friends all, with pleasure, today I will show you, the fourth type of flower color, I have found, with a color that has a characteristic, pink color

indeed before, I have found, this type of flower, which I show, to all of you, later below, you can see it. in my previous post.

looking for the existence of a type of flower, sometimes it becomes a difficult job, when compared to always being in the house, waiting for information that comes, via cell phone, about the type of ornamental flowers.

with no constraints of weather conditions, rain or drizzle, a definite step, of course we will find, other information, about the different types of flower colors. in a park or tourist site.

for example, as follows, before I have found three types of fuchsia flowers, such as :

source post @sultan-aceh

First Flower Colour found I

source post @sultan-aceh

Second Flower Colour found II

source post @sultan-aceh

Third Flower Colour found III

After you see the type of flower, which I have found, below, you will see, another color, of the fuchsia type, with pink.


Fourth Flower Color IV

that's the fourth color, from the type of Fuchsia flower, which grows and develops, in the Aceh region, to see the whole picture, you can also, see, the picture below.

Another oddity

Another oddity, which is very interesting, in this type of flower is, how much on the head of the pistil, there you can see, the pistil of this type of flower, has a different color, in adjustment, the basic color, of this flower.


Another appearance, which really caught my attention, was that in each tree branch, this type of Fuchsia flower, definitely had a difference, the color of the flower, which almost resembled a purple color.

I am indeed, not an expert in research on the types of flowers, but only provide information, the type of flower colors, to all of you. that I get, in doing, searching, material for my posts.


two pictures, the type of flower color that I show, you can see it, between the image above and the image below.


Need Care

After I noticed, in the findings of this Fuchsia flower type, I came to the conclusion, which is that, this type of flower, requires great care, so that we can see it grow and develop, beautifully, both in the garden or in a special "flowerpot" place.

I say so, because, we can see, in some existing tree plants, more are dead or withered, in fact, are not developing at all.

Let me give an example, like some pictures of flowers below, let us see together, below :


Picture I


Picture II

like the picture above, we've seen it, if the uni flower type, has no treatment. as :

  • flush
  • giving fertilizer
  • etc

Thus, my explanation, about this type of color Fuchsia flower, hopefully it can be useful, for those of you, who have seen and read, my post.

that is what I can say, I end with the words, greetings @sultan-aceh

Type flowersFuchsia
Location PhotoGarden Flower
Camera usedCanon EOS 600D
Lens CameraYungNuo
Photography by@sultan-aceh

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