What's New?

It's been a couple months since my last blog post. I've been incredibly busy during the intervening time, and my busyness has precluded writing/posting very much.

Here are some of the things I've been doing since my last blog post:

-In September I received a commission to compose a song for a play written by a local author. I completed the commission in October.

-I was commissioned to arrange some music for, and to perform on the organ with, The Cleveland Winds. I did both, and have attached here a photo I took of the stage of Waetjan Auditorium (where the concert was given, etc.), several hours before the beginning of the concert. I am also attaching images from the concert's program booklet.

-I've published two compositions, both of which are works I composed in graduate school: "Night Angels (for Celesta)" and a revised "Five Preludes for Piano."

-I performed my graduate organ recital. The recital consisted of works by J.S. Bach, Ernest Bloch, Marcel Dupré, Maurice Duruflé, Orlando Gibbons, Hebert Howells, Sigfrid Karg-Elert, and Thomas Tallis.

-I've been preparing materials for doctoral program applications. I'm presently composing a new chamber work for one of the applications. The new composition is scored for organ, strings, piano, harp, and percussion. I haven't yet decided on the title.

Academic winter break begins in two weeks, but things will continue to be quite busy, as the Advent season commences this Sunday. Unfortunately, our church's Allen digital organ needs repairs, and it's uncertain if the repairs will be finished in time for the service this weekend. I always play Bach's "Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland" from "Orgelbuchlein" for the prelude of the first Sunday of Advent, as "Savior of the Nations, Come" is almost always the opening hymn of that Sunday. However, in all likelihood this Sunday's prelude will consist of a piano improvisation on "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel." For the last several weeks, I have accompanied the congregation on the piano, and almost all the solo music has consisted of piano improvisations.

It's been and continues to be a busy, all too busy time!


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