Epilogous II - For Organ

I grew up in a priest family, and part of that was to take part in parish events and go to church every Sunday. The exception was when you were sick, but otherwise, we children were demanded to be there. But a lot of that was good, and I got many organ and choir music played during these sermons. And I think you can find references to Psalms and hymns in some of my compositions.

I’m a Christian by birth, but also very spiritual. I have studied Buddhism and I believe in ‘Heavenly Mechanics’, that there is a higher power. Some call it God, Jehovah, or Allah. But I think that it’s all the same higher power.

I love the sound of organs, and I also love composing for them. Epilogous II is the second in a series of four organ pieces called Epilogous. The first one was composed in 1986 and premiered in The Catholic church in Uppsala by Ingmar Milveden.

Epilogous II

Epilogous II is a postludium that starts with a register crescendo that leads to powerful shimmering cluster-like chords. The inspiration is coming from Olivier Messiaen and his compositions for organ. After that part is a dreamy part where the chords have more of a tonality to them. It ends with a repeat of the first part. There are some fragments of music I have listened to, but it’s not outspoken.

It got its first performance in Lidingö church on the 15th of October 2023, in an organ recital played by Stefan Själander (Registering was handled by my wife Miriam Sporring), with Swedish compositions for Organ. Performed as the last piece, it was an instant success, receiving applause and a standing ovation.

Epilogous - The Series

I have reworked Epilogous I a bit and also composed Epilogous III. The plan is that the series will be with Epilogous IV to perform as a suite with all four pieces this year. I estimated the full performance time would be around 15 to 16 minutes, with Epilogous IV being the longest of the four.

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