Oregon, a communist utopia

Oregon is a pretty state, though it's not a place where most people can make a fair living.

Oregonians pay the highest taxes, while the state turns around and uses that revenue to promote gambling, drinking, and pot, meanwhile the vast majority of the people live here in relative squalor considering its supposed to be America... Is this the America we really want?


As a born American, it's a shame to see my fellow Americans in such a dire situation. I am totally against this state's collectivist bent, that leaves individuals drowning in debt and poverty. This is a state that has sold out its people, and I urge a reckoning. This is a state that struggles to find foster parents for children because by the time people have the prosperity to want children, they are too old and tired to raise them. The good news is that industry is slowly developing here, and investors are beginning to take interest in Oregon. One of the first things that I noticed about Oregon is that the level of craftsmanship and talent is really world class. There are a lot of talented people here who have come from across the world to enjoy the splendors of the Pacific NW.

I was surprised at how terse the small business community here is with the public. Part of the reason, I suspect, is that drug use and crime is relatively high here, and dealing with the public and their problems have led to a sort of antipathy toward the public. This is why when I see a McDonald's, Starbucks, or even an Autozone, I think, "what a blessing that this third world state is attached to corporate America." The average small business in Oregon will not be comfortable with someone with my skin color using the restroom. It's not the most inclusive city, but we do have a lot of good schools and universities.
Corporate America, on the other hand, generally does not discriminate in the same manner the local businesses here seem to. For instance, I came to learn, as I am often mistaken as black, a local barista refused to make me coffee. I was kinda surprised, but I have almost grown accustomed to a certain baseline of racism that is commonly found in America. Still, I've never been treated racist in a Starbucks, or McDonald's. There is something really good about corporate America that can be leveraged for people. This is specifically why I will forever be loyal to the corporation, who so treats most of us well, and not some rogue business owners who do not seem to have the best interest of the locals in mind.

As the child of Pakistani immigrants, I can tell you from first hand experience that Oregonians would be incapable of beating Pakistanis in any imaginable category. The Pakistanis will be better educated than the Oregonians. The Pakistani will also be a better hire, because the people here in Oregon are highly insubordinate, out of a delusional level of selfishness, delusions of grandeur, and other television and social media generated emotions. The culture of America is under attack by odious leaders of The Democrat Party.

As a patriotic American, it's my duty to point out that most American states are no longer prosperous, and most of them can no longer compete against even the poorest third world countries. We should totally get rid of them. If Oregon does not produce prosperity, we will take it back. Places like Malaysia are producing better outcomes for their people, and Americans know very well that they will not be able to compete with such foreign raised individuals, so they are doing everything possible to jealously keep such immigrants out. This hurts American businesses because it forces them to hire a low performing American, when higher performing immigrants could have been available. In about the same time such a defeatist and ethnocentric type of patriotism took root in the US, among the useless losers of our country, did other nations begin taking the lead and ousted America from the lead. Americans readily treat each other worse than fellow immigrants, or sometimes even worse than dogs, while they demand immigrants be kept out. In a way, it's charming, and of course nations must maintain tight borders, though the focus must be on how to make America better for Americans, which may sometimes mean tapping into the talent of immigrants. To all the immigrants who are trying to get in, take it from a born American, you are wasting your time getting into a country where a third of the people would love to permanently leave (See Gallup Polls). There is definitely a steady and ongoing decline in the US on several critical fronts, such as medical care, and education. There is definitely a steady and ongoing decline in the US on several critical fronts, such as medical care, and education.

The whole nation is stumbling for prosperity, perhaps a sense of purpose and belonging... and I empathize with my Republican friends who are pushing for war, any war.

When I asked my friend, why do you support war? I was surprised by how agreeable the answer was.

My friend said that once war starts, a lot of people will be exported to their deaths, and the few of us that will remain behind will finally see the utopia that America was originally supposed to be, a place where jobs are available and salaries are fair.

So, I do believe that at some point, regardless of which country we invade next, we should definitely start another war, any war, so that once again American children can enjoy a prosperity missing for generations.

Let not another generation of delusional democrats, under the influence of uncle socialism and auntie communism, create a hell hole out of the land of the rat race. Democrats are not a good organization to lead us. Not one slave owner was ever a Republican. All slave owners were Democrats. This is a fact. This is why historically black people like Malcolm X, and Frederick Douglas, were actually Republicans, and have taken the time to explain in their writings why you should be too. There is no such thing as a two party system, as democrats want you to believe, because the Republicans' GOP actually rose to its current status as a third party (Google it). The true party of actual equality of opportunity is the Republican party. Never forget it.

Rather than discourage war, encourage the people who are making America worse, to leave and go fight in some obscure new war. There are oceans of useless people in America, sad to say, and war is the best way to get rid of the extraneous communist freeloaders that our country harbors laboriously. For the standard of living required to survive in America, we are certainly over populated, so we must clear out room for fresh growth. There is no way you studied and worked your entire life away to carry all the freeloaders America has. No way.

Oregon is a state where cancer biologists are the garbage men. It has a messed up and wrongly regulated economy that no one will deny is a welfare state. Oregon is a state where a man with a Chemistry Degree will build your fence for you because why would you work in the sciences when you can make more money working at Pizza Hut? This is because Oregon is a place that does not offer you the chance to work in a field you've studied your entire life for. It has a messed up and wrongly regulated economy that no one will deny is a welfare state. Oregon is a good example of a state located in the US, full of third world problems. However, it is worth mentioning that the policies of The Democrat Party have definitely driven the prosperity out of the country.

Oregon should be taken over by a redwave in the upcoming election season, and this is for the betterment of our whole country. I strongly urge my friends in Oregon to not support the Democrat Party, for the sake of survival and the possibility of prosperity.

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