Grumpy Man . Company ordinal Satoshi LTC

Grumpy Man . Company ordinal Satoshi LTC

Stored on a blockchain

What better way to secure a Trademark than inscribing it on a Litecoin Satoshi ordinal?

Any use?

Just by publishing anything, you gain copyrights. No need even to put the © sign somewhere, or: all rights reserved. A trademark sign, ™, might be a plausable idea. Does any blockchain inscription help to secure the legal rights for anybody their own creations? As far as copyrights go, it does function the same as publishing on paper, for example. First one to let the world know they invented the wheel gets the legal rights. And it is now and then that I explicitely state that a work of mine has got my copyrights. Or that something I made is a trademark of mine. Storing proof on a blockchain might not be legally binding, but I guess it might be good to do so, just in case.

Sometimes there will be trouble about a certain brandname and or logo. Disputes will need be settled in some cases. Most of the time this is in case of equal products and or services, often within the same market or region. In case of Grumpy Man Company there might be an issue if it were a car brandname, which it is not, at all. And GMC already was taken in this platform. So I made a subname for that: gmc.gpmc, but the coin still has the GMC ticker. There probably are many businesses out there that use GMC. And there will be those who also use Grumpy Man as part of their brandname. It is quite common in usage though, therefore many can use it without any issue.

That ends at the moment it is creating an exact copy of something and then pretend it is unique. Once during some project I had to deal with a company that 'borrowed' the website text of a client. Also using it on flyers and so on. This was clearly a copyright breech. And first it was tried to solve this by contacting the copycat, asking to remove all the copied texts. This was replied to with aggression and threats, unfortunately, but not unexpectedly. We decided not to take it to court, but to write new texts. That would have been different if it were about a graphical design issue, I think. Sometimes there's a thin line between the work of copycat and original copyrighted piece.

All kinds of blockchains

Looking for blockchains to inscribe Grumpy Man Company trademark and copyright stuff on was overwhelming. Have you ever had a look into the realm of the EVM [Ethereum Virtual Machine] based blockchains? At a certain point I stopped scrolling through the list. And I decided on using Polygon Matic to create some PLG20 Coins/Tokens. Probably not going to use it, but it was interesting to deploy a couple if Smart Contracts on there. Just like I did on Hive-engine, Tokel and Litecoin. Where I prefer the way Tokel lets me deploy fungible and non-fungible Tokens. Using Tokel I can add a lot of extra key-value sets, for both. And just like Hive-Engine I can add a link to an external image. Which I stored on Arweave. Mostly financed with Hive, LTC, AR and Tokel.

The amount of GMC Coins/Tokens is 20090103 every time. (Bridging perhaps?) Not only is that a little more than 20 million GMC (HE, Tokel) or GPMC (LTC20), it is also a date. (Do you recognize it?) Anyway the Grumpy Man Company project is still in its early stages. The graphical design stage is almost done, but I'm still not completely satisfied. But then again, I hardly ever am. The website is still in a pretty empty stage. It is secure though, is the address. And I want to serve it mostly using the Permaweb (by Arweave). One GiB of storage costs me about 1 AR. Pay once, have it stored as long as the Arweave blockweave exists. To me that is a great deal.

Grumpy Man? How?

Well, some of me beerketeer troops and I also tend to make a radio-show. Once every three weeks we do a live on air beertasting in my home 'studio'. And for this show I came up with the Grumpy Men title. It is in Nederish though, the language we speak in Nederland. We play some great music in between. And for the rest we mumble, complain and talk about how things were better in ye oal days. Mind you, all tongue in cheek and laughing the hardest about our own Grumpyness. In Nederish a Grumpy Man is known as a Mopperman. It is a larger than live Meme. The greatest company one could ask for is the company of a Grumpy Man.

"So, it is not dead serious then?" No, it all started out as fun. And also, why not turn this becoming of Grumpy Man age into something to enjoy? That's how I started with the concept of the Grumpy Man. He's looking at what's going on in the world of today and had his own thoughts about it. Almost being happy that he is of grumpening ripening. Maybe a little smirky smile he'd show when he'd be asked his opinion about wokeness. And then walk away while saying how he woke up that morning, but you won't catch him make a fuzz about it. His does not care for modernisms, mostly just wants to be left alone. He beliefs in voluntary interactions between people, but only if strictly necessary. Never thought about the symbol on his cap could have a meaning. But if people call him an agorist, pointing to his cap, he just grunts: "Yeah, whatever." and goes his own way, in the opposite direction of the rest.

For the love of beer!

There is a real life connection here. Not only that my fellow Grumps and I are at such an ripe age. But we also like things like mancave minipubs in a shed. And that's were we enjoy special brew beers! Not the pish that sounds like 'hinniken'. That comes out afterwards. No, real special brewed beers. In the higher levels of alcohol. Not to get drunk as a skunk, but to enjoy slowly while grumping about life, together with mates. And that is where in real life there already have been two bottles of Grumpy Man Company beer. The subtitle for the beer range is C'mon beer with me and it was named Cold as ice. As I made a special 13% Eisbock with a secret ingredient. And it was pretty awesome. Unfortunately I bottled only two and they've been consumed.

It is still in its early stages, but I can let you know that there's gonna be a special brewed beer in couple of months. There will be a small batch, so it will be tough to get your hands on even 1 bottle. Already I know it is going to be a heavy class one. Only for those who can really enjoy such kind of tough brew. Really looking forward to that. And I have some ideas for other real life products and events. Sure will make another, larger, Eisbock batch, but I'm currently out of my secret ingredient. And I do not know if it will take off, or which way this thing will go. But as long as its fun it will move on.

Have a great one!

The main look
Grumpy Man Company ™

The Coin / Token
GMC Coin ™

The first 13% Eisbock

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2 columns
1 column
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