Hello my fellow Steemians, I trust we've been keeping up well. Okay, let's go straight to the point.

There's been something that's been bothering me for quite sometime now. In fact, every day when I interact with people, its always like a reminder.

As a dentist, seeing people with oral hygiene ranging from poor to extremely poor really makes me feel bad and I wonder, is it that people don't know that they ought to take absolute care of their oral cavities or is it just mere negligence, poor awareness or what?

Your mouth is a very important part of your body!!!

Now please follow me closely as I explain some terminologies that are related to oral cavity (the mouth) so you understand the basics.IMG_20171121_113450.jpg
Source :Google.com


1. Plaque:
Plaque is a sticky, colorless deposit of bacteria that is constantly forming on the tooth surface even after brushing. Saliva, food, and fluids combine to produce these deposits that collect on your teeth, as well as on dental appliances (such as dentures, braces etc).

As plaque builds up, it can trap stains on the teeth. Plaque is also the primary factor in gum and periodontal (supporting structures under the gum) diseases and one of the major factors that cause dental cavities (holes in the teeth).

Eliminating plaque is a life-long part of good oral hygiene.

Plaque begins forming on teeth 1 to 12 hours after brushing, which is why it is so important to brush at least twice a day and floss daily.

2. Tartar:
Tartar, also called calculus, is a crusty or solidified deposit of plaque that can trap stains on the teeth and cause external discoloration. It becomes so hardened due to the precipitation of minerals from saliva and gingival fluid and can only be removed by a dental professional (not your toothbrush).

Tartar formation may also make it more difficult to remove new plaque and bacteria.

Individuals vary greatly in their susceptibility to plaque and tartar. For many of us, these deposits build up faster as we age.IMG_20171121_113434.jpg
Source :Google.com

It's important you know these basics because plaque and tartar accumulation in one's mouth causes a lot of dental issues from having bad smelly breath (oral malodor or halitosis), to having bleeding gums, mobile teeth, gum diseases (gingivitis), periodontal diseases (periodontitis) and dental cavities.

Once all, some or even one of these are/is present in one's mouth, that individual's mouth isn't functioning well. In fact, that mouth is sick and no matter how you smile, your smile isn't healthy.


  1. First things first, always have a good toothbrush that's got soft to moderate bristles (please not hard or smokers brush).

  2. Your toothbrush should be changed every three months and you should brush with a sweeping action (not a rigorous up and down or side to side movement). Of course a fluoride containing toothpaste is a must.

  3. It's a must you see your dentist once every six (6) months for professional cleaning otherwise known as Scaling and Polishing. That is, you should have your Scaling and Polishing done at least twice in a year.

For elderly people and anyone who takes alcohol and/or smokes, it should even be more frequent than twice a year. Besides, your dentist also does a thorough examination to ensure any impending issue such as cavities or mobile teeth, is forestalled.

  1. It's important you floss areas where toothbrush will not normally reach with a dental floss or with interdental brushes. It's better done before brushing and after any meal. This is recommended over the use of toothpicks
    Source :Google.com

Okay that's all for now on having a good oral hygiene. Please don't harbour calculus in your mouth as if its gold. It's not; it's dirt.

Imagine a baby soiled with poop waking all over the place. You know how ugly that sight would be. Forgive me, but that's how it really looks when people go about with unclean mouth.

I've got lots of things to say but I'll gradually unfold them in the process of time. So, if you know that you haven't had professional cleaning done or that your oral cavity (your mouth) looks anything like the pictures I have shared, hurry to a good dentist and get attended to ASAP.

Thanks for visiting my blog. I would appreciate questions and feedback as well as........ DQmZ5ipkSwdXrsKnSSTPLFn6Symkv9yDJ11Uzy4SJQdZ9mC.gif
Thank you 😘

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