Oracle-D Plagiarism Checker - Please Help us Check our Work


A Decentralized Bounty Program for Quality Control in Oracle-D

Here at Oracle-D we take plagiarism very seriously. As the professional organization we are always striving to be, we want to invite you to help us! We are calling on anyone who is a capable Steem cleaner to help us identify plagiarism on our blogs.

Please visit our Oracle-D Quality Control interface at and take a look at our list of blogs for review. This is the last 7 days worth of blogs. If you spot plagiarism in any of these blogs we invite you to post your evidence using the tools provided in the interface along with links and screen shots to help us address any issues, so we can get the plagiarism removed from the blockchain and feed back to the writer with the correct measure of response as quickly as possible.

Please note that this is in BETA phase at the moment.

On any particular blog in our blog list, if you are the first to find anything that helps us eradicate plagiarism and you provide the correct evidence (screenshots and links) we will repay you with a minimum bounty of 2 SBD. This however could increase significantly should you find a piece of work that is significantly plagiarized.

Our moderators will check this and if correct you will be rewarded with a STEEM bounty.
However, please also be aware that frivolous reporting may result in you being locked out of this system. We are a professional organization and we only want to work with professional people.

Guidelines for using the Oracle-D Quality Control System

  • This tool is for reporting plagiarism on posts authored through the oracle-D platform only
  • Ensure if you are reporting you provide the original source of the post
  • Please always check posts for referenced links. Sometimes writers make references to sources they have used later in the post
  • Do not make frivolous reporting, or you may be locked out of this system
  • Be absolutely professional. If you find plagiarism, this is the place to report it, not Discord or anywhere else. It will be dealt with in a timely manner.
  • Bounties are paid in SBD on a weekly basis.
  • If you have any questions, please email
  • It may take some time to moderate plagiarism checks. Please be patient, as it's only fair to our writers.
  • Be polite, and deal with facts, not conjecture.
  • If you find other plagiarism on non Oracle-D posts, we recommend you report to steemcleaners

Thanks very much for your help on this. we hope to see you at the Oracle-D Quality Control interface

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