Update on my situation

I got the names of the people I need to subpoenia to argue my case. I had to travel from the court house to a different one to get information from my file. Now have to write the subpoenias which I will need help for. Getting a lawyer in all this was huge just a waste of time as I was denied by 2 lawyers before I got Benji Greenburg and she wasn't much help other then telling me I could record them and she also sent me a subpoenia template now I am without counsel. Everyone I talk to says it doesn't make sense but I will press on regardless.

While I was at the court house I met an interesting person. He was the person who put Scam Katz our former mayor on the dirty. I discussed how boys were bought out of a park downtown and he said Sam was rumoured to like young male prostitutes. His friend said it was an open secret. Neither of them seemed like they were skiddish or addicts. Both seemed rather educated yet redpilled. I gave one of them a link to my steemit. I told him to make an account and write about what he knows about corruption in Winnipeg as he seemed to know more about the corruption. I told him to use the tag opwinnipeg.

I got court in just over 2 weeks. Things are pretty messy but I hope the judge is fair and sees it for what it is. My son should have never left my care and CFS and ANCR hides from me cause I record them. It is my right to do so and yet they hide or demand that I waive my rights.

Fuck I miss my boy...

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