Congressman Thomas Massie blows the lid off US subsidized opium production in Afghanistan.

Video by the Mises Institute; "Congressman Thomas Massie explains how the US government has made deals with the Taliban to give them electricity and turn a blind eye to their opium trade."

In a recent speech on the state of the Afghanistan quagmire, Congressman Thomas Massie (R) KY, exposed some hard truths that very few people in Washington are courageous enough to address. While most politicians cheered Trump’s insane decision to increase US presence in Afghanistan this week, Massie Blew the lid off of it.

For years, Massie has pointed out that the US has blown billions of dollars on failed projects alone. As of last year, the number of failed projects totaled over 100 billion.

To put this number in perspective, the entire amount of money the United States allocates to spend on rebuilding America’s crumbling highways every year is less than half of what it’s blown on failed projects alone in Afghanistan.

In addition to $ trillion+ war, we’ve spent $113 billion rebuilding Afghan… that’s 2x our own $50 billion annual federal highway spending!

— Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) August 21, 2017

Massie noted that hundreds of millions of dollars were spent on a hydroelectric damn that the US thought the Taliban would destroy. However, they did not destroy it. Want to know why, Massie asked, “The get the electricity! We’re paying the light bill for the Taliban now. They get 30 percent of the electricity in exchange for not blowing it up, or shooting the operators who are running the damn.”

US taxpayer dollars go to a hydroelectric dam in Afghanistan that provides 30% of its power to the Taliban. What’s the goal in Afghanistan?

— Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) August 21, 2017

But it’s not just the wasted money giving terrorists electricity, the US is also protecting and funding the drug trade.

Of that wasted $100 billion, $8 billion was spent failing to eradicate the Afghan opium trade. Not only did the this massive amount of money not stop the opium trade and production but it doubled it!

USA spent $8billion to eradicate poppy in Afghanistan and they doubled annual production of poppy (opium). What’s wrong with this picture?

— Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) August 21, 2017

Western profiteers are making a figurative killing off of heroin for the literal killing of people in Afghanistan.

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