5 reasons not to be single for life

  1. Living alone can be incredibly expensive
    Unless you can make over 150K every year, you might want to reconsider your living choices. If you're someone that goes for the finer things in life, want to travel across the world on your own, and consider your quality of medicare; you can't pay all that on your own. If you're just a typical working or middle-class resident, these costs would require you to work more hours and get paid less. Many single people face greater financial stress than married couples. If they lose their job or become terminally ill, they will end up dealing with all this burden alone. There would be rarely anyone except old family members who would be willing to support them. If you have a husband or wife, they could at least give you emotional support.

  2. You need emotional support
    Let's face it, the old saying is to love yourself, but we all know that the saying only comes under certain conditions. If you're gravely ill or mentally unwell, you would want someone to stick by your side and treat you like a number one priority. Those large groups of friends you made - they won't be there for you in your worst. That's something I've heard a few singles complain about. How their friends aren't "supportive" of them, but the truth is, they're not your family the way your family is. You cannot rely on your friends the way you rely on family most of the time. That is why most people choose to marry in the first place, so they can feel secure.

  3. You might need physical support one day
    When you're crippled and old, our children would be the ones we would mainly count on. Of course, some kind of social worker would be willing to physically support your needs, but they're not the kind we expect from family. If you're old and single, the chances are that you will have to get up on your own. No one is strong forever; we need our mothers to care for and breastfeed us, and when we're old we need children to help us out. We can't always fight on our own especially we're fragile. Anyone in their right mind would hope someone would be there for them when they're weak. Someone who can help us with the shopping, the son who would cook for his mother.

  4. You would feel distant from friends
    Many single people complain that their friends are being more callous towards them now that they're married. The truth is, they're not your family members and probably never considered it before. Research has shown over and over again how singles are excluded in society. Not that anyone meant to do so, but most people are preoccupied with their own families and life. By the time you turn 40, most people would be spending more time talking about their children and parenting, and you're still the one talking about cartoons and anime. That's why many singles feel isolated in their older age. Besides, most friends are questionable from the first place.

  5. You could miss out on a better version of yourself
    Marriages and children come with many challenges with self-flaws as one of them. Take my grandfather, for example, he had always been bad-tempered and apprehensive before he met my grandmother. When they met and got married alongside children, he began to learn how his flaws affect his parenting. Today, he is one of the most gentle-tempered and generous people I know. If he was never married nor did has any children, he would still be the neurotic man I once heard from.
    The truth is, when you're single and alone, you never go anywhere in your knowledge of yourself. Maybe you could've been a better version of yourself, but you might never have discovered that side on your own. Living with a romantic partner and children requires patience, diligence, persistency, and self-improvement for it all to go ahead. However, if you're single and lonely, you might never discover you had a flawful side to your personality. Even if you did, you might not have the tenacity to change that for the better. Let's be honest here, we all want to change for the sake of our offspring. If you're living alone, you might not feel the need to change your personality for the better. You might not even know you're kind and caring, because all you would know is how to serve yourself.

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