The Recent Bombings in Toronto

Image Source: Daily Sun

The bombing of the Canadian Indian restaurant seems to me like a case of hate crime. Toronto and Canada in general seem to be becoming more and more dangerous with a steady stream of such terrorist acts coming out recently . It would be politically very unright though to say these crimes may be a result of unrestricted immigration and embracing of all kinds of culture with no sense or sensibility to how it affects the pscyhe of locally entrenched populations.

What I mean by that is when you have a lot of sudden immigration and new cultures come in and do things that don't go well with existing idealogy and way of life, it seems to create stress in young resident males that ends up in such terrorist acts and hate crimes. The stress can be from a clash of idelogies, primitive territorial instincts, loss of jobs, inflation, and other socio-economic factors.

The same can be said about crimes by immigrants in places like Europe too. Imagine a male from a war ravged country fleeing it and entering a totally foreign land and culture. Among a million males there can be a few who end up having a deadly wrong combination of PTSD (from the war in their native lands), religious ideology (from brainwashing in their native lands occupied by fundamentalist forces that interpret religion violently), stress from the new environment including culture shock, racism, xenophobia, etc. And it is not hard to imagine such a person will do something really hurtful to the society.

So my opinion is while immigration and being accomodative of all races, religions, and ideology is good, governments must do more in the way of integrating immigrants into their native societies as well as accomodating the interests of their own citizens to avoid conflicts, stressors, and creation of extremist or terrorist elements.

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