One way ticket to the naughty step

What's the deal with lying these days? I get that everyone lies now and then but why is it that lies seem to mean more when the lie is presented to a different person?

Politicians lie all the time. This has been the case forever, and it's a rare politician that doesn't lie. When politicians lie to the public it doesn't seem to matter for some reason regardless of the consequences of the lie.

When people lie to politicians this too doesn't seem to matter which is fair turnabout due to the constant lying from the politicians. One wonders why they even take oaths to tell the truth when they have no intention of holding themselves to the oath.

Why is it so important to hold some people to a higher standard and not others?
Why are people that are liked allowed to continue without consequence for lying while people who are not liked are expected to suffer from their transgressions?

If you lie and you're called out on the lie shouldn't you just be put to the side as a person whose word cant be trusted from that point on? You can't go back and forth over and over, lying then not lying then lying and have any credibility right?

To me people in the public eye should be held to a set standard. If they lie then they should be sent to the naughty step. It makes no sense to me that while sat on the naughty step they get to come back off it because a potential new lie sounds good to those listening.

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