Ophumanangels~01~Today we give, maybe our bosek is given. Life is like a wheel spinning, sometimes we are at the top, and when we are under.


In this first moment, I want to try to make a story about #OpHumanAngels. But my article for this time I chose about doing good by sharing a little food for the animals that I had visited in the village I live.

Dalam moment yang pertama ini, saya ingin mencoba membuatkan sebuah cerita tentang #OpHumanAngels. Namun artikel saya untuk kali ini saya memilih tentang melakukan kebaikan dengan berbagi sedikit makanan untuk binatang yang sempat saya kunjungi di desa saya tinggal.

#What is OpHumanAngels tag?

"Operation Human Angels" is a tag that we use when we do good in everyday life, for example we give charity to the poor (less able),
either intentionally or unintentionally.
And this kindness is what we do randomly. Kindness of kindness is not only by helping or sharing, even spread the words of love, giving people inspiration, motivation, spreading affection, helping others, even helping animals that are in trouble also including goodness.
The good we can do with various forms, although we just write a short message message on a piece of paper.
And this time I will do good according to my ability.

  • Helping not to fellow human beings .. we can also do good to animals. As I do this.
    I bought 5 packs of crackers.

But unfortunately, I can not photograph same with the goat,
Because if I approach him, he will run.
So I had to have photos from afar.




  • Suddenly the female called her son, and they came.



  • Today we give, maybe our bosek is given.
    Life is like a wheel spinning, sometimes we are at the top, and when we are under



Hari ini kita memberi,mungkin bosek kita yang diberi.
Hidup layaknya roda berputar,kadang kala kita di atas,dan kala kita dibawah

  • Yesterday afternoon I saw an elderly grandmother who came to a chicken noodle meatball dealer, and I happened to be buying chicken meatball noodles in the place. A grandmother asks to be given, of course, generally we will give the requesters with money. But it is not the form of gift that I will discuss but about our response / attitude / speed in giving something to a beggar, who happens to chance that afternoon is an elderly female grandmother. From a distance I was already able to guess the grandmother would come here to ask say alms or whatever it is. Not meant to show off but somehow I was so reflex just pulled out a thousand coins from my pants pocket and then I gave it to the grandmother. Along with that moment in mind, I hope the mother of chicken noodle seller also give alms in any form, but more and more pass the grandmother and the mother of chicken noodle seller is still the same attitude there is no enthusiasm to give the grandmother. And okay, I went home after paying chicken meatball noodles that I bought


Kemarin siang saya melihat seorang nenek renta yang datang ke sebuah penjual bakso mie ayam, dan kebetulan saya sedang membeli mie ayam bakso di tempat tersebut. Seorang nenek tersebut meminta untuk diberi, tentu saja umumnya kita akan memberi peminta-peminta tersebut dengan uang. Akan tetapi bukan bentuk pemberiannya yang akan saya bahas tetapi mengenai respon/sikap/kecepatan kita dalam memberi sesuatu kepada seseorang peminta-minta, yang kebetulan dalam kesempatan siang itu adalah seorang nenek perempuan renta. Dari kejauhan saya pun sudah bisa menebak nenek tersebut akan kemari untuk meminta katakanlah sedekah atau apa pun itu. Bukan bermaksud pamer tetapi entah kenapa saya begitu reflek saja mengeluarkan selembar uang ribuan dari saku celanan saya lalu saya berikan ke nenek tersebut. Bersamaan dengan momen itu dalam pikiran, saya berharap ibu penjual mie ayam tersebut juga memberikan sedekah entah dalam bentuk apa saja, tetapi semakin berlalu si nenek dan si ibu penjual mie ayam tersebut tetap sama saja sikap nya tidak ada antusias untuk memberi si nenek tersebut. Dan oke, Saya pun pulang setelah membayar mie ayam bakso yang saya beli.

#OpHumanAngels is The Best

Thanks for the originator of the#OpHumanAngels tag. :);) @lyndsaybowes ...
Thanks to my cousin who always gives support and passion for me..@lidiasteem :)

To my best friend: @eturnerx@phoenixwren @derekrichardson@pennsif @guiltyparties @khaled-dz@karenfoster @face2face @overkillcoin:)

And to all my other loving friends.

Thank you for visiting my blog
Friendship Greetings from Me @yunasss98
At an Educational Institution in Aceh, Indonesia. :)

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