OpHumanAngels ~ Motivate yourself even with the words on the Stickers #6

Hey Steemit's Friend .. !!!
How are you doing in your day .. ??
Certainly remain in health and vigorous in all its activities.
Allow me on this occasion to re-emerge in Team Human by continuing to do good in all things, at this moment I will post about Motivation from some Stickers I have, hopefully can make us smile and return life spirit. :)

Hai Sahabat Steemit Yang Setia..!!!
Apa kabar dalam hari-harimu selama ini..??
Tentunya tetap dalam kesehatan dan penuh semangat dalam segala aktivitasnya.
Izinkan saya pada kesempatan ini untuk kembali muncul dalam Team Human dengan terus berbuat baik dalam segala hal, pada moment ini saya akan mengepost tentang hal Motivasi dari beberapa Stiker yang saya miliki, semoga dapat membuat kita tersenyum dan kembali semangat hidup. :)

Appreciate your time before your death
Make the most of your time, especially in realizing the good
Don't delay in doing good.

Hargai waktumu sebelum tiba ajalmu
Pergunakan waktumu sebaik mungkin, terutama dalam mewujudkan kebaikan
Jangan tunda-tunda dalam berbuat baik.

Make Enjoy Only, For what made difficult
All the problems of life Do not let you become so hard to live more uninspired life, suppose it's mediocre, because in every difficulty there will be ease later.

Bikin Enjoy Saja, Untuk apa dibikin susah
Segala permasalahan hidup Janganlah sampai kalian menjadi susah sehingga hidup semakin tak bersemangat, anggaplah itu biasa-biasa saja, karena disetiap kesulitan akan ada kemudahan nantinya.

Basically the man prefers elasticity rather than violence

Son of Mom :)

Work is looking for Money, Not Looking Face

Mother Shopping, Dad Dizzy :D

Please be patient
A lot of patience will be more peaceful and comfortable life, b'cause there is no ill intention stored heart and no our desire to reply
Of those who are patient will be loved by God

Sabarlah kawan-kawan
Banyak bersabar akan menjadi hidup lebih tentram dan nyaman, karena tiada niat buruk yang tersimpan dihati dan tiada pula keinginan kita untuk membalasnya
Tentu orang yang sabar akan di sayangi oleh Tuhan

Be patient in all the problems of our lives, even though many people hate us, but do not repay them with evil, do best to them in return from us, they will gradually become aware of the cause of our good behavior, well anyway.

Perbanyaklah bersabar dalam segala permasalahan hidup kita, walaupun banyak orang membenci kita, namun janganlah kita membalasnya dengan keburukan, lakukan yang terbaik pada mereka sebagai balasan dari kita, maka perlahan-lahan mereka akan sadar dengan sebab kelakuan baik kita, sehingga mereka pun akan ikut berbuat baik pula.


Thanks to all my friends wherever you are

Thanks to our Best Curator, @lyndsaybowes
Be passionate in the work, sharing, and helping the creatures of the earth in various ways.
Nothing is a waste of good, although good is very small.
Cheer up @lidiasteem :)
Do not ever despair in any case, every kebiakan not necessarily have to get the reward, keep doing good although it looks unique in the eyes of people.


Best regards from Me @ridhasteem
At an Educational Institute in Aceh, Indonesia


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