Ophumanangel - Save Rohingya

One morning my phone rang
A message came in and I picked up my cell phone and saw the incoming message.
And a message entered in the group in one social media application.
I am reading an incoming message that contains information and some photos.
My heart was touched to read a message containing the news of the discovery of Rohingya residents who were stranded at the sea around the waters of Idi Rayeuk.

Here is the message :

On this day Friday April 06, 2018 at approximately 02.00 has been monitored the arrival of 5 Citizens Rohingnya in the Port of Kuala Idi District Idi Rayeuk District of East Aceh

The five Rohingnya residents consist of 2 male and 2 female and 1 boy with identity (according to recognition):

  • Umor Shidik 28 Years (L)
  • M Ilyas 33 Years old (Male)
  • Kamal Husen 8 Years (Male)
  • Syamimah 15 Years (Female)
  • Mominah 20 Years (Women)

The Rohingnya residents were stranded in free waters (open sea) approximately 176 Miles from the Door Kuala Idi and found by fishermen Kuala Idi East Aceh in KM Gifts King on Monday Night Tuesday at approximately 20:30 pm

The five Rohingnya residents were immediately rushed to Zubir Mahmud Hospital to get a medical examination

According to their confession (with limited communication), they originally numbered 10 people by boat (ship without machines) but 5 of them had died from lack of food and were dumped into the sea

Tomorrow morning at 09.00 am from the Immigration will pick them up directly brought to the city of Langsa.

So as a report.

Best regards.
Danposal Idi Rayeuk
Sea Letter (E) Heri Budi Arisanto Nrp 22119 / P.

Here's the pictures :


Why this should happen

Where are they always shouting Human Rights ?
What's wrong with this world ??
It is very worrying to see our brothers struggling to travel thousands of miles away to seek for peace of life.


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