The Scarf #OPHumanAngels


In a previous blog I wrote of my plans to take part in #OPHumanAngels. My first plan was to make a scarf.

I started last week with this

A crochet scarf fit for a man or woman or child. I chose a basic color that would match with anything.
It didn't take long to build up as it was a basic pattern: Single crochet the entire row then double crochet the next and repeat using a 5mm hook.


What actually took long was the chance to work on it. All 3 kids got the flu. One after the other. Then my toddler got the, well for a lack of a better word since they all sound bad, the shits. Then my husband got both at once. Poor man. But with all that done and over with, everyone is healthy again. All but me. The mom. After taking care of everyone, I got stuck with a cold as a reward. ;)

With hard determination and a reason to get outside of the house I decided to finished it! Hooray!


But it needed a nice final touch, fringes - I think they are called fringes... and guys wear those too right?



And voila! It's done for real.

I left at 7pm to go to my evening martial arts class and straight after, I delivered the scarf.


I decided to use this spot as it is less of a commercial spot. There are a lot people that walk there, also an indoor skating rink. Another reason why is that a few weeks ago I noticed an elderly person walking by. Now this person was working hard pushing a grocery cart full of bags of cans to exchange for money. Pushing that cart with one hand, uphill in the snow while the other hand was holding a cane to help her/him walk. For those of you who don't know how hard it is to push a grocery card in the snow, think of it as pushing it in sand that is 2 inches thick (might be equivalent??). I wasn't able to help out this person but I was able to stop the traffic behind me to let this person cross the road.

How cool would it be to see that person walking wearing that scarf to keep him/her warm on a -20 degrees celcius day?Trust me it can get even colder. It would be cool to see anyone wear it to stay warm.

Thank you @lyndsaybowes for showing me #OPHumanAngels. This has been a fun start (albeit a long one) and a quite fulfilling journey. I'm going to check wednesday to see if someone has taken it, I am excited.

I am also excited to start another one and bring it to the opposite side of town. Maybe others in town will catch on and start doing the same _ That would be awesome!!!

Have a good night everyone. Time for me to rest my sore cold filled head of mine. Take care and stay warm xx.

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