Announcement new php client [php-graphene-node-client v2.2.2]


PHP client for connection to STEEM/GOLOS node

Install Via Composer

composer require t3ran13/php-graphene-node-client

Basic Usage


use GrapheneNodeClient\Commands\CommandQueryData;
use GrapheneNodeClient\Commands\DataBase\GetDiscussionsByCreatedCommand;
use GrapheneNodeClient\Connectors\WebSocket\GolosWSConnector;
use GrapheneNodeClient\Connectors\WebSocket\SteemitWSConnector;

//Set params for query
$commandQuery = new CommandQueryData();
$data = [
        'limit'       => $limit,
        'select_tags' => ['golos'], // for GOLOS
        'tag'         => 'steemit', // for STEEMIT     

$commandQuery = new CommandQueryData();
$commandQuery->setParamByKey('0:limit', $limit);
$commandQuery->setParamByKey('0:select_tags', [$tag]);
$commandQuery->setParamByKey('0:tag', $tag);

$command = new GetDiscussionsByCreatedCommand(new GolosWSConnector());
$golosPosts = $command->execute(
// will return
// [
//      "id" => 1,
//      "result" => [
//            [
//                "id": 466628,
//                "author": "piranya",
//                "permlink": "devyatyi-krug",
//                ...
//            ],
//            ...
//      ]
// ]
$command = new GetDiscussionsByCreatedCommand(new SteemitWSConnector());
$steemitPosts = $command->execute(
    SteemitWSConnector::ANSWER_FORMAT_ARRAY // or SteemitWSConnector::ANSWER_FORMAT_OBJECT
// will return
// [
//      [
//          "id": 466628,
//          "author": "piranya",
//          "permlink": "devyatyi-krug",
//          ...
//      ],
//      ...
// ]

Implemented Commands List


  • GrapheneNodeClient\Commands\Broadcast;
  • GrapheneNodeClient\Commands\DataBase;
  • GrapheneNodeClient\Commands\Follow;
  • GrapheneNodeClient\Commands\Login;


  • GetDynamicGlobalPropertiesCommand
  • GetBlockCommand
  • GetBlockHeaderCommand
  • GetWitnessesByVoteCommand
  • GetActiveWitnessesCommand
  • GetAccountCommand
  • GetAccountCountCommand
  • GetAccountHistoryCommand
  • GetAccountVotesCommand
  • GetContentCommand
  • GetDiscussionsByAuthorBeforeDateCommand
  • GetDiscussionsByBlogCommand
  • GetDiscussionsByCreatedCommand
  • GetDiscussionsByFeedCommand
  • GetDiscussionsByTrendingCommand
  • GetTrendingCategoriesCommand


  • GetApiByNameCommand
  • GetVersionCommand
  • LoginCommand


  • GetFollowersCommand


  • BroadcastTransactionCommand
  • BroadcastTransactionSynchronousCommand

Implemented Connectors List

namespace: GrapheneNodeClient\Connectors\WebSocket;

switch between connectors


use GrapheneNodeClient\Commands\CommandQueryData;
use GrapheneNodeClient\Commands\DataBase\GetContentCommand;
use GrapheneNodeClient\Connectors\InitConnector;

$command = new GetContentCommand(InitConnector::getConnector(InitConnector::PLATFORM_STEEMIT));

$commandQuery = new CommandQueryData();
$commandQuery->setParamByKey('0', 'author');
$commandQuery->setParamByKey('1', 'permlink');

$commandQuery = new CommandQueryData();
        0 => "author",
        1 => "permlink"

$content = $command->execute(
// will return
// [
//      "id" => 1,
//      "result" => [
//            ...
//      ]
// ]

Creating Own Connector


namespace My\App\Connectors;

use GrapheneNodeClient\Connectors\ConnectorInterface;

class MyConnector implements ConnectorInterface 
    * platform name for witch connector is. steemit or golos.
    public function getPlatform() {
     // TODO: Implement getPlatform() method.
    * @param string $apiName calling api name - follow_api, database_api and ect.
    * @param array  $data    options and data for request
    * @param string $answerFormat
    * @return array|object return answer data
    public function doRequest($apiName, array $data, $answerFormat = self::ANSWER_FORMAT_ARRAY) {
     // TODO: Implement doRequest() method.


Creating Own Command


namespace My\App\Commands;

use GrapheneNodeClient\Commands\DataBase\CommandAbstract;
use GrapheneNodeClient\Connectors\ConnectorInterface;

class MyCommand extends CommandAbstract 
    protected $method            = 'method_name';
    //protected $apiName         = 'login_api'; in CommandAbstract have to be set correct $apiName
    //If different for platforms
    protected $queryDataMap = [
        ConnectorInterface::PLATFORM_GOLOS   => [
            //on the left is array keys and on the right is validators
            //validators for ani list element have to be have '*'  
            '*:limit'            => ['integer'], //the discussions return amount top limit
            '*:select_tags:*'    => ['nullOrString'], //list of tags to include, posts without these tags are filtered
            '*:select_authors:*' => ['nullOrString'], //list of authors to select
            '*:truncate_body'    => ['nullOrInteger'], //the amount of bytes of the post body to return, 0 for all
            '*:start_author'     => ['nullOrString'], //the author of discussion to start searching from
            '*:start_permlink'   => ['nullOrString'], //the permlink of discussion to start searching from
            '*:parent_author'    => ['nullOrString'], //the author of parent discussion
            '*:parent_permlink'  => ['nullOrString'] //the permlink of parent discussion
        ConnectorInterface::PLATFORM_STEEMIT => [
            //for list params
            '*:tag'            => ['nullOrString'], //'author',
            '*:limit'          => ['integer'], //'limit'
            '*:start_author'   => ['nullOrString'], //'start_author' for pagination,
            '*:start_permlink' => ['nullOrString'] //'start_permlink' for pagination,
    //If the same for platforms
    //protected $queryDataMap = [
    // route example: 'key:123:array' => $_SESSION['key'][123]['array']
    //    'some_array_key:some_other_key' => ['integer'],   // available validators are 'required', 'array', 'string',
                                                            // 'integer', 'nullOrArray', 'nullOrString', 'nullOrInteger'.




use GrapheneNodeClient\Tools\Transliterator;

//Encode tags
$tag = Transliterator::encode('пол', Transliterator::LANG_RU); // return 'pol';

//Decode tags
$tag = Transliterator::encode('ru--pol', Transliterator::LANG_RU); // return 'пол';

Reputation viewer


use GrapheneNodeClient\Tools\Reputation;

$rep = Reputation::calculate($account['reputation']);

Github or packagist with MIT license. Author @t3ran13. Active helper @semaspring

It is better with each commit

@transisto add it to please

3 columns
2 columns
1 column
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