Project Advice Needed: Is Using Alt Accounts A Good Idea?

I have started to dig into the project of Steem integration into OpenBazaar and I wonder if I should start a dedicated account to garner donations and delegation for the project as well as provide project specific updates and news.

The problem with using my account and reasons I think I should use a dedicated one for the project.

I think using my DiggnDeeper account complicates things because I cover a wide array of subjects and I don't know that people would be so willing to donate or delegate to this account when it could be unclear and difficult to keep things straight when it comes to what I want to vote for on this account compared to what should be voted for in a dedicated, project-specific account.

Using a dedicated account would be very transparent.

People could easily see exactly where all the votes and transactions are going. Updates would be completely project specific.

Potential downside of dedicated account

A dedicated account would have to rise through the ranks like any new account. This account has a pretty decent amount of followers and reputatoin and also at least some amount of history.

I would need to let the people that have already shown interest know that there will be a new account to follow, vote and or delegate. Not a big deal.


Is there any precedence in doing anything like this for development and fundraising?

Recent posts about Steem Integration into OpenBazaar

Stop by our Discord server:
We will be chatting about open source, decentralization, Steem promotion and Abolitionist stuff. You are welcome!

I would love to hear your opinions about this.

I went ahead and created the account. Please follow, vote, resteem, donate to, and delegate to @steemonob. This is an account to be used STRICTLY for the project of getting Steem integrated on OpenBazaar.

Much more to come.


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