Steemit Open Mic Week 67 entry - Look At Us (cover)

Thanks to a post-Christmas vacation back home in Florida, I've gotten to make some music with friends both old and new. Which sort of makes up for it being nearly as cold as it was in Colorado when I left.

Now I'm not super into country, so I wasn't familiar with this song at all when I heard John Prine's version on a Spotify playlist while driving to Jacksonville a few days ago. I thought I had discovered something new and offbeat, and I sent the song to my friend Kelly to see what she thought of it. Well, she already knew and loved the original by Vince Gill. We had planned on doing a video for Steemit Open Mic while I was home, and this song turned out to be the one we had the most fun with.

My Studio Recordings on Steemit

Dirty Games (original)

Mountains (original)

How Many Times Have You Broken My Heart?


To Ramona

The Bends

Like Spinning Plates

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