Come on Open-Mic/Songwriter People – Where is the Love? Where is the RESPECT?

@pfunk post Jan-2017.png

Show me some love and respect people! – Come on Now – just a little bit,….

Up-Vote Pfunk for witness right here!

Just click "play" and keep reading...

1, 2, 3, 4 ... -All of us really need to come up to bat here folks. I MEAN IT...

I’m talkin' bout' YOU, and I'm talkin' about NOW! - right now!

Come on now, you just gotta love our "hall-of-fame" Sista, Aretha!

She's all about what it means to make a difference and to stand out amongst the crowd. I mean, come on... really - does it get any better than this? If so, please do point me to such brilliance - I will be forever grateful!

Trust me - She ain't no stranger to adversity - nor are we... As such, I couldn't think of a better musical backdrop to couch this message of hope than to showcase the absolute genius of Miss Aretha Franklin! I just LOVE her -plain and simple!

I just love this song and all that it embodies... truly! I mean, come on! Does it really get any better than this? I don't think so - not in the 21st century anyway!

I trust there will be very few who beg to differ on that front! However, be that as it may, - and all respect aside, we have more critical issues to address at the present moment in time...

I ain't lyin' and neither is she... It is what it is...

And it's better than you're ever likely to hear in your lifetime - so please do pay homage and respect to our Sister, Aretha!

Can I get a witness? ... I thought so - Right-On brothers and sisters!...

R.E.S.P.E.C.T! Now, that's what it's all about now, ain't it? Bet your freakin' ass it is!

Yes, Indeed! By no means am I alone in my way of thinking! I'm certain of this....

In fact, I dare you, ... In fact, - I "double dare" you - or anyone else for that matter, - to challenge me on that front! Bring it child - I'm ready, willing and able to defend my stance on the matter - to the death!

If you are so emboldened, well then - bring it, baby - and we'll take it from there...

Let's take it straight to the plate, shall we?**

Agreed, in kind! Moving forward as it were...

Just a little bit - If you would be so kind as to indulge me for a moment or two...

Just do it – right here, right now, right HERE!

You’re UP people – Show me what you got!

Okay, so I'm really trying to "stretch" this sh!t out here - if you know what I mean... I'm talkin' bout my bullshit story here - (in case you didn't already freaking notice!!!) Doh!

  • Don't get me wrong - I totally love all this sh!t every which way from Sunday - but, puleeze - let's be freakin' real here... alright, already...

@Pfunk, who aside from @luzcypher, is one of THE most instrumental supporters of both the Open-Mic and Songwriters venues, needs your ongoing support – and he needs it right NOW brothers and sisters!

So get down on it now, people - okay? You know what I'm talkin' bout... Whatcha gonna do people? Tell me… If you really want it - Whatcha gonna do, tell me, people? Do you wanna get down? --- Really, now? ....Cool!

If you really want it… Get down on it!

Click "play," LISTEN, and keep on reading...

Our most esteemed and respected supporter, @pfunk, has slipped down to 22nd place amid the gamut of prospective witnesses. Granted, I’m certain that all of these "other" prospective “witnesses” have the best interest of Steemit in mind - HOWEVER!.

@pfunk is OUR special representative – and as such, he most certainly deserves our overwhelming support!

So, with that said - Come on Spartan’s of the Steem-It musical realm – get your Steem-It and Sparta-On people, and let’s fight this fight till the very end – no matter what it takes to win and prevail -at any cost!

Are you with me?...

Spartan Pfunk Warriors.jpg

Each and every one of us who cherishes the glory and beauty of that which the Open-Mic and the Songwriters venue brings to the “Steemit” table of uniqueness and creativity - PLEASE no matter what else it is that you do - please cast your vote for @pfunk as a witness to this most incredible experience that each of us continue to benefit from.

RE-STEEM THIS and continually SHARE THIS INITIATIVE FAR AND WIDE ...Make certain it sticks, and DO NOT relent in making certain that all of your family, friends, fellow-steemians, and music lovers alike do not rest until each and every last one of them has cast their vote for @pfunk as a witness!

I cannot stress this to you more – just how important this is to the Steem-It music community…

For without @pfunk there - in our collective corner, our dreams and aspirations will be diminished considerably.

I am quite certain that none of us want that – so get up on it people – and give back just a little bit of what this outstanding community has given to you - and vote for @pfunk as witness!

It is paramount that we get @pfunk ranking well below the #20 slot. Right now, he’s slipping behind at #22 – and it’s up to each and every one of US to do whatever we have to do – in order to get our friends, followers, and acquaintances of every stripe - to return @pfunk to his rightful standing within the top 20 ranking of witnesses.

I can’t begin to tell you how much this means to me personally, and more importantly, - just how much this means to the community at large.


Thank you in advance for doing your much-needed part in making certain that the Steemit musical community is fairly and adequately represented by re-steeming this post, and by calling upon all of your friends and family to do the same, and by casting your collective votes for @pfunk as a witness.

I really can’t say anything else other than to:

Just do it – right here, right now, right HERE

Thank you all so much, from the very bottom of my heart and soul!


…Don’t miss a day of work! …do not look for perfection. … Don’t build walls … do build your future instead; - believe in YOU - take the first steps, and don’t look back…

Yeah, perhaps 80% of what you do will be NO-GOOD - but that 20% outstanding, is what makes all the difference in the world!

So, just keep on focusing on that 20%!

-Don't wait to be asked, - just do it!

-Just do your work, live, breathe, and believe!



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