Steemit Open Mic semana 85- Me niego / Reik y Ozuna @orijose


Es difícil abrir mis ojos y ya no verte
tu olor en la cama, aun sigue intacto
te he buscado en mis sueños, deseando tenerte
y no encuentro tu rostro, por más que trato

Aun quedan tus retratos, en cada rincón de la casa
y el silencio me habla de ti, es que solo hay tanto espacio
desde que no estas, daría todo lo que aun me queda
por tenerte, por que vuelvas

Es que me niego a perderte, a más nunca verte
me niego ha aceptar que lo nuestro ya se acabo
es que me niego a perderte, a más nunca verte
me niego ha aceptar que lo nuestro ya se acabo

No puedo asimilar
que ya tu no estas, sin ti nada es igual
se que por el mundo no hay otra similar
que tu me hiciste que no te puedo olvidar

Tu me quieres a tu manera
mi mente quisiera, que otra me quisiera
mi corazón dice que por ti espera
por que volvieras, daría lo que fuera


It's hard to open my eyes and no longer see you
your smell on the bed, is still intact
I have searched for you in my dreams, wishing I had you
and I can not find your face, no matter how hard I try

There are still your portraits, in every corner of the house
and silence tells me about you, is that there is only so much space
since you are not, I would give everything that still remains
for having you, why do you come back

It's that I refuse to lose you, never more to see you
I refuse to accept that ours is over
is that I refuse to lose you, never more to see you
I refuse to accept that ours is over

I can not assimilate
that you are not already, without you nothing is the same
I know that there is no other similar
that you made me that I can not forget you

You love me your way
my mind would like, that another would like me
my heart says that for you wait
why would you come back, would you give anything


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