Open Mic Week 63 {unofficial entry}: Mogati Steemit Experiment - Los Momentos by Eduardo Gatti

Dear Steemians,

[by unofficial entry we mean that we do not wish to participate in the contest but we still want the community to enjoy what we have to offer. We meet a lot to jam n record - our full time job. We hope that this self disqualification doesn't bother anyone.]

Here is an song we were messing around with - Los Momentos by Eduardo Gatti.


Los Momentos

Tu silueta
Va caminando
Con el alma triste y dormida
Ya la aurora no es nada nuevo
Pa' tus ojos grandes
y pa' tu frente
Ya el cielo y sus estrellas
Se quedaron mudos, lejanos y muertos
Pa' tu mente ajena.

Nos hablaron
Una vez, cuando niños
Cuando la vida se muestra entera
Que el futuro, que cuando grande
Ahí murieron ya los momentos
Sembraron así su semilla
y tuvimos miedo, temblamos
y en eso se nos fue la vida.

Cada uno aferrado a sus dioses
Productos de toda una historia
Los modelan y los destruyen
y según eso ordenan sus vidas.
En la frente les ponen monedas
En sus largas manos les cuelgan candados,
Letreros y rejas.

The Moments

Your silhouette walks
With a sad and asleep soul,
The sunrise is nothing new now
For your big eyes and for your forehead;
The sky and its stars
Have become silent, distant and dead
For your estranged mind.

They told us once, when we were children,
When life shows itself fully,
That the future, when you are big,
All moments dies there already,
So they planted their seed
And we were scared, we shivered,
While life slipped away from us.

Each one clinging to his gods,
Products of all history,
They model them and destroy them,
And according to this they order their lives;
They put coins on their foreheads,
In their long hands they hang
Locks, signs and fences.

@choby - bass
@kaileyzercher - violin
@amoghagarwal - audio/video recording
@gokulramdas - kanjira/production
@matisotoaguilar - vocals/production

Special thanks to @pfunk, @luzcypher and everyone involved for helping music thrive on Steemit.

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